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Hope in Difficult Times


Iran Ups Pace to Help Sustain Hezbollah Attacks on Israel

Current Issues

Iran Surges Ahead with Nuclear Program, Tripling its Capacity to Enrich Uranium

Life in Israel

Displaced Israeli Children Face the New School Year


A Beacon of Hope: Delivering Appliances to Displaced Israelis


Bridges For Peace: Christians supporting Israel and building relationships

between Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world


Unlocking the Power of Psalm 103

By: Rev. Cheryl L. Hauer, BFP Writer

How often in the Scriptures do we find exactly the answers we are looking for, the encouragement we need, the direction we have lacked? Verses that cause us to lift our eyes heavenward are often the very thing we need to refocus our attention from our own morass to the glory and majesty of our King.

Such are the verses found in Psalm 103. It has been called the Mount Everest of psalms, exalting the soul to breathtaking heights. Although it does not appear in its entirety in Jewish liturgy, Jewish prayer is peppered with verses and phrases from Psalm 103 and the rabbis have called it a masterpiece of biblical literature.

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In This Together

By: Ilse Strauss, News Bureau Chief

Most Israelis spend two or three years of their youth as a soldier guarding the Promised Land and its people. It is a non-negotiable, a rite of passage that falls between high school and adulthood. While many around the world would frown on such a sacrifice of time and self, history has taught the Jewish people that there is simply no alternative. The chilling Hamas massacre on October 7 stands as the latest piece of evidence that should the soldiers of Israel abandon their posts in the hope of a peaceful life, a flood of terror would spill across the borders.

That’s why serving as an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier is more than a sacrifice of time and self; it is a sacred responsibility, a supreme call that comes with being born Israeli. And that’s why the IDF stands as one of the greatest tools of integration and solidarity in the Israeli society.

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