Of several approaches being developed worldwide, an Israeli solution pioneered by electro-optical engineer Boaz Arnon holds particular promise in providing a game-changing device for early detection of breast cancer. Arnon’s mother, Ruth, succumbed to the disease in 2004. Through Real Imaging, founded in 2006, Arnon was determined to offer an alternative that would address all concerns and be cost-effective.
Appropriately named RUTH, the device he invented uses a platform he calls MIRA (Multidimensional Infra-Red Analysis). Built on principles from existing technologies and mathematics, MIRA enables functional quantitative analysis of 3D and infrared signals emitted from cancerous and benign breast tissue. “Our solution is not sensitive to age or breast density and works without radiation,” Arnon tells ISRAEL21c.
“We image the patient from a distance of 70 centimeters [25.5 inches] with no physical contact or radiation…Our sensitivity results show 90% accuracy for women of all ages.” By comparison, mammography usually is about 80% accurate, and not even that high in younger patients. This is not guesswork; it is science. We have proof we can explain clinically that our method is working,” he says.
More than 2,000 women have been involved in clinical trials since 2007 at six Israeli hospitals. The procedure takes only a few minutes. For more information: www.realimaging.com
Source: Excerpts of an article by Abigail Klein Leichman, www.israel21c.org
Photo Credit: Realimaging.com/www.israel21c.org
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