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Ear Drops Out—Ear Foam In

June 1, 2010

The company also designed a device for foam delivery that resembles a spray bottle with a long, thin flexible tip that is easily inserted into the ear. When you press on the nozzle, a single dose of the foam is pushed out. The foam stays within the ear canal, gradually releasing medication all along its length.

Dr. Eran Eilat—the inventor of the technology—found that the foam doesn't drain out and feels so non-invasive that, within a couple of minutes, one doesn't even notice that it's there. There's no need to lie down, as the foam molds and compresses itself along the ear canal. The company believes it likely that use of foam reduces the number of drug administrations and cures infection faster.

Company COO Dr. Rodrigo Yelin said, “We tested on 64 adult patients who had swimmer's ear. They received either antibiotic treatment in our foam or commercial eardrops. The results obtained clearly showed that the foam is at least as safe and effective as the drops.” The company tried 20 different kinds of foam before settling on the current formulation that doesn't irritate the skin or cause any allergic reactions. For more information: +972-54-596-0199 or [email protected]

Source: Excerpts of an article by Gilah Kahn-Hoffman, www.israel 21c.org

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