Since US President George W. Bush and Secretary of State James Baker began the land-for-peace process in 1991, a demand made on the PLO and other elements in the anti-Israel terrorist front has consistently been that they recognize the State of Israel. After ducking and diving their way around this demand, the Arab side finally found the key: They would recognize Israel as “a state” but not as a “Jewish state.” To this end, they—including the Palestinian Arabs who enjoy Israeli citizenship—support the institution of a “one-man-one-vote” democracy that will erode and finally erase Israel’s identity as “a Jewish state.” The PLO’s insistence that the “right of return” be given to all its refugees is designed to help hasten the explosion of the demographic time bomb.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert rejected this position outright. “We won’t hold negotiations on our existence as a Jewish state, this is a launching point for all negotiations,” he said. “We won’t have an argument with anyone in the world over the fact that Israel is a state of the Jewish people. Whoever does not accept this cannot hold any negotiations with me. This has been made clear to the Palestinians and the Americans.”
Adapted from an article by Stan Goodenough,
Palestinians: Allah, Kill Americans
A Palestinian Authority [PA] (Fatah) daily newspaper’s political cartoon illustrated a prayer for the killing of Americans. A Muslim is shown kneeling in prayer facing a US B-2 Stealth bomber. The words of his prayer are encased in missiles aimed at Americans: “Allah, scatter them!” “And turn their wives into widows!” “And turn their children into orphans!” “And give us victory over them!” This curse for the death of Americans is a special prayer for Al-Qadr Night (the 27th day of Ramadan), when Muslims customarily pray in mosques throughout the night. This continues the identification by the PA and Mahmoud Abbas’s (Abu Mazen’s) Fatah faction with those who fight and kill Americans. The most recently published 12th grade PA schoolbooks, for example, call those who fight American soldiers in Iraq “brave resistance.”
By Itamar Marcus & Barbara Cook, Palestinian Media Watch
Iran: We’ll Blitz Israel with 11,000 Rockets
Consumed with their hatred of the Jewish people and eaten up by a desire to champion the final war against Israel, Iranian leaders vowed to unleash 11,000 missiles in a single minute against the Jewish state if Iran’s nuclear facilities come under attack. So outrageous was the threat that Israeli experts quickly dismissed it as a sign of Iranian “insecurity” and perhaps a mega-bluff to try to stave off what appears to be an increasingly imminent US- or Israel-led attack against the rogue state’s atomic weaponry program.
No one disputes that Iran has weapons of mass destruction [WMDs] that pose a very real existential threat to Israel. What the analysts apparently cannot or will not accept, however, is that that country’s maniacal mullahs believe so staunchly in the supremacy of their god over the LORD God of Israel, and in the rewards that await the shahid (Muslim martyr who dies killing Jewish people) in Paradise, that they are wide open to carrying out a “suicide” attack that is national in its scope.
Were Tehran to make good on its promise, even if it stopped short of using WMDs, the devastation it could wreak on Israel is almost incomprehensible. Last summer saw the Lebanese Hizbullah successfully terrorize the Jewish people when, over the course of a month, they rained 4,000 Katyusha rockets across the northern reaches of Israel, claiming dozens of lives, driving more than a million Israelis from their homes, and inflicting billions of dollars in damage to the Israeli economy. Iran’s arsenal is enormously more potent than anything the Hizbullah could wield.
By Stan Goodenough,
Hitler—A Palestinian Hero
Recently, the “Voice of Palestine” held a contest in which guessing Hitler’s name would win a prize of 600 shekels [US $150]. Here are excerpts from Hitler’s bibliographical information that was read over the radio: “He served in the German army during the First World War, was wounded in service, and awarded two Medals of Honor…In 1923, he attempted to execute a coup but failed. He was arrested, imprisoned and released after serving a year in prison. In 1933, he became his country’s Chancellor and used the state’s mechanisms to crush his political opponents. He earned his popularity by succeeding to lower unemployment rates and to generate an economic recovery in his country. Later, he prepared his country for the Second World War…His golden year was 1940, when his armies invaded Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium, and defeated France in June 1940.”
Clearly, the name Hitler does not have the stigma in PA [Palestinian Authority] society that it has in the West. Indeed, not only the Hamas daily, but the Fatah-controlled PA dailies as well, have written in favorable tones about Hitler. To some Palestinians, the man and his name are sources of admiration.
Adapted from an article by Itamar Marcus & Barbara Cook, Palestinian Media Watch
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