God cares deeply about the work of Bridges for Peace because of His heart for the nation of Israel, His covenant people, and His compassion for the weak, needy, widows, and orphans. It is exactly to these groups that Bridges for Peace is extending a hand of mercy as we distribute 65 tons of food each month to help meet the food needs of over 27,000 Israelis in 49 communities all over Israel.
We are grateful to the Lord for allowing us to bring glory to His name as we bless the people of Israel. Here is a short summary of the projects in Israel, showing what we were able to accomplish in 2009 with your help.
Feed a Child
This program currently meets the needs of 580 children: 530 in Beit Shemesh and 50 in Karmiel. 250 of them receive a hot lunch every school day, school books and supplies, outings, camps, and more. An additional 330 ultra-Orthodox children receive lunches only (by their community’s choice).
Adoption Program
In 2009, 109 families and 100 individuals were sponsored on the Adoption Program. Many of the individuals are immigrant students here without a support system. Recipients receive food, bus passes, books (for students), encouragement, and other support as needed.
Food Banks
In 2009, BFP distributed 1,675,947 pounds (761,794 kilos) of food, feeding an average of 26,688 people per month. The Adopt an Israeli Town Program expanded to 18 towns.
Welcome Program and Cheer Baskets
In 2009, we distributed 1,573 blankets, 783 kitchen gifts, 1,364 Bibles, and 2,881 school kits—all as welcome gifts to new immigrants as they made Israel their home. 963 cheer baskets were also distributed to people in hospitals, children in our programs, and those in mourning.
Home Repair
Our team of home repair experts renovated 40 homes in 2009, bringing the overall total to 793.
Project Rescue
We helped 1,892 Jews immigrate to Israel, bringing the total number of Jewish people we have “rescued” to 33,719.
Project Tikvah (Hope)
Nearly 700 destitute Jewish people who are unable to immigrate to Israel receive food through Project Tikvah each month in the Ukraine and Siberia. Heaters, medicine, clothing, and other needs are given as possible.
Karmiel Outreach Center
By the end of 2009, we had processed 1,468,891 pounds (667,668 kilos) of food through the center for distribution throughout Israel, while maintaining a storehouse of nearly 500 US tons (450 metric tons) of food.
The ministry of Bridges for Peace is not only in Israel. Our web site, www.bridgesforpeace.com, which is updated daily, and our national offices in seven countries multiply the effectiveness of our education outreach. An active representative network continues the work of BFP in local arenas, through teaching, building relationships, and raising funds for the projects in Israel. Our publications—including the full-color Dispatch from Jerusalemmagazine—are received by 18,000 subscribers. Our weekly email service which encourages prayer support for Israel is subscribed to by more than 11,000 readers, many of whom pass it on to their lists.
Speaking tours, Christian Leaders Forums and study tours to Israel all raise awareness of God’s love for Israel among Christians around the world. Our materials are currently translated into Spanish and Japanese with plans underway to expand into German and French. We are praying for the Lord to send us the right person to translate our materials into Mandarin Chinese in order to share the good news of God’s work in Israel with the Chinese Christian community.
God Is Good!
At a recent board meeting, we were reflecting on the goodness of the Lord to us. Five years ago, our director resigned, and I was asked to serve as the new International President and CEO. No one knew what effect this would have on our organization. We were astonished to see that we have nearly doubled in size financially, and the number of Israelis being helped on a monthly basis has also nearly doubled. We opened a new center in Karmiel, transitioned to a full-color magazine, and started the Feed a Child Program. God has been good to us. He loves to see Bible-believing Christians reaching out in love to minister to the people of Israel, standing strong with the nation of Israel, and praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
So, if anyone asks you “How is Bridges for Peace doing?” please tell them that God is blessing His work through Bridges for Peace as Christians worldwide partner with us financially and through their prayers. Pray with us that God will continue to bless all those who bless Israel, and that He will increase our ability to feed more people in Israel in 2010 than in 2009.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Rev. Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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