by: Ilse Strauss, Bridges for Peace
What if producing clean, sustainable electricity was as simple as a day at the beach? Technically, it can be. A patented, smart and cost-efficient technology developed by Eco Wave Power, an innovative wave energy technology company based in Tel Aviv, extracts wave energy from ocean waves, converting the rising and falling motion of the waves into clean, green electricity.
The mechanics behind the technology function on a foundation of motion and hydraulics. Special floaters submerged in the sea or ocean and attached to man-made structures like breakwaters, piers and jetties move with the motion of the waves, which, in turn, move a piston that compresses biodegradable hydraulic fluid. The compressed fluid amasses in an accumulator located on land, which builds pressure. The release of that pressure turns a hydraulic motor, which then rotates a generator, producing clean energy. The hydraulic fluid then flows back to a tank, and the entire process starts again with the next wave.
The Eco Wave Power wave energy converter was invented as a simple, zero-emission and inexpensive answer to the rising global demand for renewable and affordable electricity. It is more cost-effective than traditional energy generation methods using coal, oil or gas as well as renewable energy generation methods such as wind and solar. Since there is no adverse environmental impact, it also does its bit in the battle against climate change.
Israel’s Ministry of Energy has hailed it as “pioneering technology,” while the Solar Impulse Foundation called it an “efficient solution.”
Just another way in which Israel serves as a light to the nations (Isa. 60:3).
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