“Along with our P5-plus-1 partners[UK, France, Germany, Russia, China],we remain committed to a diplomatic solution. But the Iranian government must understand that the path of defiance will only bring more pressure and more isolation.”
—US President Barack Obama
Lieberman “We will use every means that we have to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power through diplomatic and economic sanctions if we possibly can, through military action if we must.”
— US Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
Peres “We must not be naive and must make heard a moral voice against this country [Iran], whose police hang in the streets those who are opposed to the regime and allows women to be made into slaves. None of us will be able to sleep soundly at night, including Russia and the European countries, if Iran has nuclear weapons. I don't know what is happening in terms of other countries, but we have no doubts…Israel will not leave any opening for this threat. I recommend that you [Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov] do the same…The North Korean matter must not be left open. This country has become a duty-free shop for nuclear resources. I call upon you to take action to extend a defense umbrella to all countries threatened by Iran. Iran must know that its missiles will be met with the most advanced technology. Neither younor I can allow ourselves an insane neighbor living next door.”
—Israeli President Shimon Peres
Medvedev “Iran is moving closer to possessing the potential, which in principle could be used for the creation of nuclear weapons.”
—Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Ahmadinejad “They [US and Israel] have already decided to do it [attack an Iranian ally] now. I'm telling you, they have decided to launch operations against at least two countries in the region. And it goes without saying that all these games are aimed at saving the Zionist regime.”
— Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
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