The S-300 system is highly regarded within military circles. Some said it effectively creates a no-fly zone. The S-300, known in the West as the SA-20 Gargoyle, tracks incoming jets. It can lock onto 100 targets simultaneously and can engage 12 at the same time. It has a range of about 200 kilometers (124 miles) and can hit targets at altitudes of 27,000 meters (88,500 feet).
The reputation of the S-300 and a possible Russian sale of the system to Iran have Israelis nervous. “Russia will have to think real hard before delivering this system to Iran,” an Israel defense official told The Jerusalem Post. Israel is threatening to neutralize with EW (electronic warfare). He claimed Israel would produce the necessary system to block the effect of the S-300 and thereby render its value to potential buyers useless. “No country will want to buy the system if it’s proven to be ineffective. For this reason, Russia may not, in the end, deliver it to Iran,” the official said.
Moves by Russia into Georgia in August and the tightening of the Russia–Iranian relationship has more than made Israel nervous. In the meantime, the world watches the Russia–Iran connection and its potential for a major escalation in world tension.
By Ron Ross, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio
Photo Credit: Photosby Dmitry Azovtsev
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