Mekorot Water Company Chair Booky Oren headed the Israeli delegation, which comprised 11 water technology companies. The delegation was organized by the Israel Export Institute, the Israeli embassy in Beijing, and attaches of Israel’s trade and science ministries.
China’s Water Resources Minister Wang Shucheng told Oren that he has recognized Israel’s leadership in the agricultural field for years and would be happy to expand cooperation in the field of water technology as well. Oren also made a cooperation agreement with the head of Beijing’s water system on the local level.
An additional agreement was made with the city of Shenzen, China’s electricity capital, which has 11 million residents. The city suffers from serious water problems, and its water budget under China’s current five-year plan is around US $9 billion. Israeli water technology will be introduced there by 2007.
Source: By Sharon Kedmi Haaretz
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