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Many Israelis Update Gas Masks

March 29, 2013

The public demand can be attributed to recent upheaval in Syria and the alarming possibility that the regime’s arsenal of nonconventional weapons may find its way to Hezbollah, as was implied by Israel Air Force [IAF] Chief Maj.-Gen. Amir Eshel, “Syria is undergoing tectonic changes. Given its massive arsenals, Israel may find itself dealing with nonconventional weapons on its borders,” Eshel said.

www.wikipedia.org/IDF/flickr ABC (atomic, biological, and chemical) kits have been distributed in Israel since Operation Desert Storm in 1991, when Iraqi Scud missiles hit the greater Tel Aviv area. The kits contain a gas mask and atropine pens, which are periodically updated according to their respective expiration dates. According to the company, over 4.5 million have been picked up since the beginning of the latest distribution round.

Source: By Noam (Dabul) Dvir, www.ynetnews.com

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