Their prayers were for God’s Messiah, the Prince of Peace, to come and set up His kingdom in the City of David, from where––according to the Bible––He will rule and reign over the nations of the world, finally bringing peace to mankind.
The Christians’ petitions came just weeks after an unprecedented number of Israeli Jews gathered in Jerusalem to cry out for God’s intervention against efforts to wrest their land from them and drive their country closer to war and annihilation.
Those prayers against the implementation of the Disengagement Plan appeared to go unheard when, despite them, the expulsion of thousands of Jews from their homes in Gaza and northern Samaria went ahead.
Although saddened by these heartrending events, Bible-believing Jews and Christians are not shaken in their faith in the Lord God of Israel and in His promises to this land and its people.
While there was no direct or acknowledged link between the mass prayer gathering at Jerusalem’s Western Wall and the internationally coordinated prayer meeting, both occasions saw Jews and Christians joining together in their appeals to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob on behalf of Israel and Jerusalem.
Despite the still differing concepts of who the Messiah is, both these “people of the Book” share the conviction that a Righteous One will come and deliver Israel out of the hands of her enemies. According to Scripture, all who worship and want to obey God are commanded by Him to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Ps. 122:6).
The injunction to “not keep silent” and to “give God no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in all the earth” is directed to all those who make mention of the Lord (Isa. 62:6–7). The International Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem is an initiative of the U.S.-based Eagles Wings Ministries under the leadership of Robert Stearns.
The internationally renowned Pastor Jack Hayford of San Francisco’s Church on the Way co-chairs the initiative with Stearns.
By Stan Goodenough
Jerusalem Newswire
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