“Iran has obtained the technology to produce nuclear fuel, and Iran’s move is like a train…which has no brake and no reverse gear.” (February 25, 2007)
—Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
“The enemy knows well that any invasion would be followed by a comprehensive reaction to the invaders and their interests all over the world. Some people say that the US president is not prone to calculating the consequences of his actions, but it is possible to bring this kind of person to wisdom.”
—Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, February 8, 2007
Israel: “The world’s most dangerous rogue regime is on the verge of obtaining the ultimate weapons of terror. Already, Iran’s confidence that it will not be stopped has led to one war, last summer’s war in Lebanon started by Hizbullah. Already, Iran is fueling conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Gaza––and all this before the regime enjoys its own full, declared nuclear umbrella.”
—Former Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, February 11, 2007
Egypt: “We don’t want nuclear weapons, but since they appear highly present in the area, we must defend ourselves.”
—Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, January 4, 2007
Jordan: “The rules have changed on the nuclear subject throughout the whole region…Everybody’s going for nuclear programs. The Egyptians are looking for a nuclear program. The GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] are looking at one, and we are actually looking at nuclear power for peaceful and energy purposes. I personally believe that any country that has a nuclear program should conform to international regulations…to make sure that any nuclear program moves in the right direction.”
—Jordanian King Abdullah II, January 20, 2007
Russia: “One state, the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way and has imposed itself on other states. This is very dangerous. This is nourishing an arms race with the desire of countries to get nuclear weapons.”
—Russian President Vladimir Putin, February 10, 2007
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