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Cloud Theft and Spying Cows

Efforts by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and other enemies of the Jewish state to delegitimize Israel in the eyes of the international community have ranged from twisting the truth and presenting misinformation to outright, absurd lies. To their own people, the PA’s anti-Israel libels know no bounds. Creative ways of blaming the Palestinian people’s problems

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My Kinneret

Near the northern end of the Syrian African Rift lies a sparkling gem: Israel’s Sea of Galilee. Known in biblical times as the Sea of Chinnereth (Num. 34:11), this fascinating body of water has nurtured fishermen and farmers, poets and prophets for millennia. Lowest Fresh Water Lake on the Planet The Sea of Galilee really

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The Quirks of Israel—Swimming in Tel Aviv

From the pen of Peter Fast, CEO-elect, comes the seventh installment of the Quirks of Israel. Join Peter on a journey through the wonderfully peculiar culture, traditions, heritage and daily life of this singular nation as he unpacks, introduces and celebrates the quirky aspects that make Israel so wonderfully unique. If you’re fond of the

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He Has Brought Israel to This Time

The words of the well-known Jewish blessing, the Shehecheyanu, are so very apt as we consider Israel’s Diamond Anniversary. “Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life, and sustained us, and brought us to this time.” The Return “The first miracle is the idea of a people who

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“With All My Heart and Soul”

Celebrating 100,000 Homecomings Scripture is full of God’s promises to return the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to their ancient homeland. Jeremiah 32:37–44 is a beautiful description of His heart and plans. In verse 41, the Lord promises, “Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them

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Enough is Enough

The alarming global increase in anti-Semitism has Jewish leaders deeply concerned. “There’s always been threats, there’s always been anti-Semitism. But it feels like an epidemic right now,” said Beth Kean, CEO of the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles, California. “And the spread of hate and lies is just happening at a lightning speed.” Kean is

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Intifada Rising?

As the battle for Israel’s heartland rages on, the Jewish state’s security forces are working to curb a wave of terrorism as multiple players battle for the Palestinian throne. A terror wave that began last March and spread across Israel has left 29 people dead at the time of writing, the highest casualty count since

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Education Nation

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published the 2022 edition of its annual Education at a Glance report in October last year. In no less than 462 pages crammed with statistics, graphs, footnotes and summaries, the document compares and contrasts the state of education in 45 countries for the 2021/2022 school year, ranking

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Signaling Spring

For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come. (Song of Songs 2:11–12a). Is there anyone who does not long for the promise of spring during the dark and dreary days of winter? Here in Israel, the lovely almond blossoms

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On Dangerous Legal Ground

In a letter sent in late in 2022 to over 50 world leaders, then-Prime Minister Yair Lapid made a passionate appeal for help in stopping the latest Palestinian campaign to use the international justice system to delegitimize the State of Israel. The letter came in response to a November 11 United Nations (UN) resolution requesting

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Rediscovering Shiloh

In the center of the biblical heartland is a special place that resonates deeply with both Christian and Jewish people. Those who tread upon the ruins of this ancient city, say that it is as if the ground is hallowed by the Presence that once dwelt there. A place of miracles, Shiloh remains of great

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The Quirks of Israel—Driving in Israel

From the pen of Peter Fast, national director of Bridges for Peace Canada and the future CEO of Bridges for Peace International, comes the fifth installment of the Quirks of Israel. Join Peter on a journey through the wonderfully peculiar culture, traditions, heritage and daily life of this singular nation as he unpacks, introduces and

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