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Who Really Built the Western Wall?

{image_2}Every tour guide and student grounded in the history of Jerusalem would claim that King Herod built the walls around the Temple Mount. However, in archaeological excavations alongside the Western Wall, where the ancient drainage channel of Jerusalem has been uncovered, a mikveh (ritual bath) was discovered that challenges that understanding.

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Hamas: Kidnap More Soldiers

{image_1}On October 17, 2011, Israel released 477 Palestinian prisoners, the first of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners to be released in exchange for the return of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Hundreds of the released Palestinian prisoners were serving life sentences for murder.

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New Protective Items for Israelis

{image_1}Israel’s Home Front Command developed several items to help civilians living under the threat of rocket fire in addition to safe rooms. The Command recently completed the carefully tested items in the face of conventional threats.

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Ireland—Most Hostile Country to Israel in EU

{image_1}Hatred of Israel reaches new levels in Ireland: A couple of months ago, an outrageous anti-Israel display was held on Dublin's main pedestrian street, presenting IDF [Israel Defense Forces] soldiers as Nazi troops. As part of the display, sponsored by the Dublin City Council, a group of pro-Palestinian activists set up a model of the separation fence [along the West Bank border] and an IDF roadblock. The activists dressed up as soldiers and beat, humiliated, and pointed their weapons at other activists dressed as Palestinians in front of thousands of Irish citizens and tourists.

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European Jews Fear Anti-circumcision Laws

{image_1}After the kosher slaughter ban, the circumcision ritual is in danger too. European rabbis and senior Jewish officials have been acting in recent months against an initiative to ban circumcision in three countries. Rabbi Menachem Gelley of London, vice president of the Conference of European Rabbis, revealed the issue during the organization's 27th annual convention held in Warsaw Poland in November, which dealt with ways to protect Jewish rights in the continent.

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The Hanukkah Trail: Ashkenazi Potato Latkes

{image_1}It was Hanukkah, last year, when a group of Bridges for Peace staff gathered outside the Old City at Jaffa Gate, early evening. We were guided through the Old City by Tom Brimmer, our CEO’s husband and licensed tour guide. As we began our walk, I realized what a special evening this was going to be. Not only does Tom have a wealth of knowledge and interesting facts at his fingertips, but there was an acute awareness surrounding us of who the Jewish people are. How they love this Land and love to celebrate the holidays and the feasts! Their pride in being Jewish and in their history and culture shines like a light. So began our trail of seeking and admiring the Hanukkah menorahs (hanukkiot).

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Israeli Scientist Wins Nobel Prize

{image_1}Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman has won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his controversial discovery of non-repeating patterns in atoms called quasicrystals.
He is the third Israeli to win the award in chemistry, and the 10th Israeli to win a prestigious Nobel Prize in the country's 63-year history.

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Israel on Google Street View

{image_1}Google today announced [in September] that it will begin imagery collection in Israel for the “Street View” feature in its Google Maps. Google cars and trikes were to begin driving and taking photographs of streets and locations around Israel. “Street View” is a popular free feature of Google Maps. It allows users to explore virtually and navigate neighborhoods and historical and cultural sites through panoramic street-level images

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Rain Fosters Unique Cooperation

{image_1}The first rain of the fall swept Israel [in late September] and led to some flooding, particularly in desert areas. That flooding fostered unique cooperation between the IDF [Israel Defense Force] and Palestinian fire and rescue services. Nahal Tirza in the Jordan Valley overflowed its banks due to the rain and caused flooding and heavy erosion.

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Jerusalem Invests Millions in Arab Schools

{image_1}With new classrooms and technology tools, Mayor Nir Barkat has declared an education revolution in the eastern sector of the capital city. When the 2011–2012 school year began in the Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem, millions of shekels in sparkling new or renewed classrooms, computers, and sports facilities greeted 42,153 students and their teachers.

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The Crescent Moon Rises

{image_1}Turkey’s Ascension in the New Middle East

A political earthquake has ripped across the Middle East and North Africa in the last year, toppling several longstanding dictators in its wake. Some of the region’s most well-known names are gone, while a once-dominant nation appears poised to seize the chaotic opportunity to return to regional superpower status: Turkey. The Islamic-influenced—but technically secular—country once ruled the Middle East as the Ottoman Empire, and now they are using rhetoric, threats, and money to gain influence in the Arab Spring-transformed region.

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Conservation of Damascus Gate Completed

{image_1}After a year of extensive work, the Damascus Gate in the Old City walls of Jerusalem now has a fresh, clean look, including a restored “crown” in the center, built by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1538 and destroyed in the Six Day War of 1967.

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