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Settlement Freeze for Jewish State Recognition


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made political waves in October by offering to seek an extension of the settlement construction freeze in exchange for the Palestinian leadership acknowledging Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. Speaking in the first meeting of the Israeli Knesset [parliament] winter session in comments posted on the Prime Minister’s Office Web site, Netanyahu said:

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Bio-Bee Bumblebees


Bio-Bee mass-produces the earth bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, for natural pollination of various crops. Greenhouse tomato is the major crop, and added to this are sweet pepper, eggplant, strawberry, melon and courgette (zucchini). Outdoor fruit crops such as pears, cherry, plum, blueberry and avocado are also successfully pollinated by bumblebees.

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Jesus and the “Holy Tongue”


Did the historical Jesus speak Hebrew? The supposition of New Testament scholars—indeed the virtually unchallenged assumption in Bible dictionaries and Gospel commentaries for well over a century—is that the native tongue of Jesus was Aramaic, not Hebrew. That is beginning to change. The cumulative research of a generation of scholars living in the Land of Israel, both Jews and Christians, strongly challenges this conventional conviction as outmoded and misleading.

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Killing Pests—Naturally


Of all the pest-gobbling insects and spiders Dr. Shimon Steinberg encounters as research and development manager for Bio-Bee Sde Eliyahu, he's particularly partial to the predatory mite. It may not sound lovable, but this minuscule “very handsome, nice orange spider” is a highly efficient enemy of the spider mite, a devastating agricultural pest. It's also fast moving, a trait much admired by Steinberg, a marathon runner. Besides, Steinberg tells ISRAEL21c, the two-millimeter-long, pear-shaped creature is Bio-Bee's top seller worldwide. “Sixty percent of California strawberries since 1990 are treated with this predatory mite from the Holy Land,” he says like a proud papa.

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1948—Who Recognized Israel First?


Even among Israel supporters, there are few who recognize November 29, 1947 as an important date. It is, in fact, the anniversary of the United Nations vote to partition Palestine, laying the groundwork for the creation of the state of Israel. May 14, 1948, however, is readily recognized by many as the founding of the state. The prophet Isaiah spoke of a nation being born in a day (66:8), fulfilled it. Even though the UN vote happened months before, plans for the declaring of independence did not begin in earnest until May 13, and less than 24 hours later, the nation was born. It seems apparent that it happened at God’s sovereign direction.

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Healthy Skin Cancer Prevention


We all want that summer glow that comes from a day at the beach, but taking in the rays can have long-term implications for our health. Now Dr. Niva Shapira of Tel Aviv University (TAU) suggests a way to make fun in the sun safer—and it’s all in our food. She has shown that a diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, like the diet eaten in Mediterranean regions where melanoma rates are extremely low, can help protect us from skin cancer.

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New Way to Kill Tumors


Scientists from Israel are developing a new way to destroy cancerous tumors that will have fewer side effects than traditional radiation therapy and cause minimal damage to surrounding tissue. The innovative method developed by a professor at Tel Aviv University uses heat to kill the tumor cells, while leaving the surrounding healthy tissue intact.

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Nano-size Stars of David


A new type of nano-particle (one-billionth of something) resembling the six-pointed Star of David has been discovered by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem headed by Professor Uri Banin. The Star of David-shaped particles come in sizes 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair! The discovery, the researchers say, may help in diagnosing diabetes or provide a catalyst to capture the sun's energy and turn it into clean fuel. Their work, they further believe, greatly contributes to understanding how hybrid nano-particles form.

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“I Threw It”—Zarakti


Did you ever see one of those news clips where the police were using a water canon to disperse or subdue a violent crowd? If so, keep that picture in mind for a few moments while we explore the Hebrew word zarakti (זרקתי). The simple definition of the word is “I threw it.” Let’s take a look at how it is used in Ezekiel 36:25: “Then I will sprinkle [zarakti] clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.”

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Acknowledging the Jewish State

{image_1}The designation of Israel as the “Jewish state” has gotten a lot of attention over the past couple years, especially after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called upon the Palestinians to acknowledge the fact as part of a prospective peace accord with Israel.

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BFP in Action: Give an Israeli Child a Future

Many of Israel’s population have never climbed out of the pit of poverty. They came as new immigrants with nothing. Many who arrived in the early days of the State lived in maabarot (tent cities), sometimes for years, before moving into sub-standard walk-up apartments. We meet families who are now in the third and fourth generations of poverty. These families have little or no hope for a better future for their children. The costs of providing an education for their children is simply out of reach for those who don’t know how they are going to fill their stomachs. How can a parent think about buying school books or paying for tutors when they can’t even provide the basics of life? This is the condition of the families we assist through the Feed a Child Program.

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The Sabbath—A Family Event:  Cholent


I don’t believe there’s anywhere in the world that honors the Sabbath like Israel does. Since most businesses are closed for the day, it’s almost impossible not to participate in this day of rest. The quiet is so wonderful! As busy a city as Jerusalem is, with all its horn-honking traffic jamming its narrow streets, one marvels that it’s possible for such a city to almost come to a halt. Does New York City or Tokyo or London ever rest?

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