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Hizbullah’s Deployment Revealed

{image_1}The Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] revealed in July aerial photographs of sites at the village of al-Khiam in southern Lebanon, where the IDF suspects Hizbullah is storing various weapons and even operating headquarters and control centers. Colonel Ronen Marley, commander of the western brigade at the northern border, commented, “An event can take place today, or a year from now; I am ready for it to happen by surprise.” [Less than a month later, sniper fire broke out across the border, killing an Israeli commander.]

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From Esther’s Table?  Persian Rice

{image_1}Although the current leader of Iran speaks often of his hatred for the Jewish people, his country is home to one of the oldest Jewish communities in the Diaspora (countries outside of Israel) with historical roots that reach back to the sixth century BC when the Southern Kingdom of Israel fell to Babylon. In 539 BC, King Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylonia and issued a special decree allowing the Jewish exiles form his entire kingdom to return to Israel. This officially ended the first exile. It did not, however, mean the end of these Diaspora communities. Many Jews had become established in their new homes and chose to stay rather than return to an unknown and possibly hostile situation in Israel.

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Large Natural Gas Source Discovered

{image_1}After a seismic survey, the new gas find, named Leviathan, is estimated to be nearly double the next largest gas find in Israel. According to a press release from Israel’s Delek Group, a partner with the American-based Noble Energy in the discovery, the recoverable natural gas in the Leviathan find is estimated to be about 16 trillion cubic feet (tcf), with a 50% probability of geologic success.

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Tourism Spikes

{image_1}In June, the Tourism Ministry announced an all-time record high of tourists visiting Israel for the month of May—an increase of 33% over May 2009. It was the sixth consecutive record-breaking month this year! Tourism since the beginning of the year increased by 42% over last year and over 11% in 2008, which was Israel’s record year to date.

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Israel Joins Exclusive Economic Group

{image_1}Earlier this year, Israel was invited, along with Slovenia and Estonia, to join the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an exclusive economic group now set to consist of 34 members ranging from Sweden to Mexico.

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Exports Grow 11,250-fold in 62 Years

Israel's exports have grown 11,250 times since 1948—from US $6 million to US $67.5 billion in 2009—according to the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute. The data suggest that Israeli exports have doubled in the last 12 years—from US $33 billion in 1998 to some US $67.5 billion last year.

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Soldier: Activists Came for War

{image_1}One of the soldiers who took part in the raid and broke his hand in the clash recounted the moments of horror when he and his comrades were assaulted by about 30 activists on board. “After every person came down [from the helicopter], three or four guys grabbed a hold of him and simply beat him senseless. They lynched us. They were equipped with metal bats, knives, slingshots, and glass bottles. At some point, we faced live fire by two guys.

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Gaza Flotilla Chanted Islamic Battle Cry

{image_1}On the day before the Gaza flotilla confronted the Israeli navy, Al-Jazeera TV documented the pre-battle atmosphere created by men on board the flotilla, who chanted a well-known Islamic battle cry invoking the killing and defeat of Jews in battle: [Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!”

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“No Love Boat”

{image_1}“…Hamas is smuggling thousands of Iranian rockets, missiles, and other weaponry—smuggling it into Gaza in order to fire on Israel’s cities…Under international law, and under common sense and common decency, Israel has every right to interdict this weaponry and to inspect the ships that might be transporting them.

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Gog and Magog?

{image_1}The Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria released a statement in which they suggested that the Gaza flotilla incident was“the beginning of the Gog and Magog process[referring to Ezekiel 38]… 

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Gaza Crisis?

{image_1}In the aftermath of the Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla incident, in which Israeli soldiers acting in self-defense resulted in the deaths of nine activists, Israel chose to significantly lighten the blockade of the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip….

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Coming Together in Unity

{image_1}Occasionally, Bridges for Peace plans special evening events for the volunteer staff in Jerusalem. These opportunities give us a chance to enjoy dialogue with Jewish people and understand them better. Our last event not only included dialogue but music!

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