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{image_1}Rachamim is a highly emotion-packed word, most often used to describe God. It is defined as “bowels, tender love, and pity” and is always in plural form, possibly to convey the intensity of the emotion behind it, though it’s not always translated as plural. In Hebrew, it is closely associated with rechem (Strong’s H7358), or “womb,” so when used in reference to God, rachamim (H7356) focuses on His parental love. Just as a womb protects the helpless unborn child, so He longs to create “a fence around the chaos,” as one online Bible teacher put it.

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Politicians Take a Stand for Israel

{image_1}Israel’s enemies are amassing against her and like a snowball rolling down a hill, they are gaining momentum as they go. International voices are vilifying Israel in the wake of the “flotilla affair” and accusations are rampant that she is an apartheid state, a Nazi regime, and a starver of Palestinian children. Statistics are being twisted and facts ignored in a frenzied attempt to delegitimize the nation. But in the midst of it all, growing numbers of parliamentarians worldwide are joining forces to support Israel within their governing bodies and to defend her in the international arena.

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BFP Distributes Food for 20 Years

{image_1}In 1990, Israel was in the midst of a huge influx of new immigrants coming home to Israel—with 15,000 to 20,000 arriving each month! On September 11, the 100,000th immigrant to Israel was celebrated. Two years prior, God was already preparing Bridges for Peace to help meet this critical need.

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Summer War?


“The flood of hate is being led by Israel's enemies all over the world…Dark forces from the Middle Ages are raging against us…Be prepared for difficult days.”—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Too Much Fructose Causes Liver Damage


A new Israeli study reveals that too much sweetened soda and fruit juice may cause long-term liver damage. Switching to water is the best preventive measure to contribute to long-term health. According to [Christian Arab] Dr. Nimer Assy, director of the Liver Unit at Ziv Medical Center in Haifa,people who drink more than one liter (about four cups) of sweetened beverages a day have a five times greater risk of developing fatty liver. While known culprits like sweetened carbonated soda are on the list of “no-nos,” natural and freshly squeezed fruit juices appear there, too.

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Cool Use of the Sun

{image_1}When the thermostat rises on scorching hot days, the air conditioners kick in, causing a massive electricity surge that strains the grid. Summer blackouts and brownouts occur in the US every summer. If mismanaged, they may cripple cities and damage local economies. According to the US Department of Energy, residential heating and cooling account for more than 50% of the energy use in a standard American home.

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No-Trauma Burn Treatment

{image_1}A successful Phase III clinical trial was completed by MediWound on its lead product, Debrase gel dressing for the treatment of second and third degree burns. ISRAEL21c reported that the trial included 175 patients at 25 medical centers around the world.

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Israel Surrounded Growing Threats in the Middle East

{image_1}Tens of thousands of rockets to the north. More rockets to the south. A regime threatening genocide and seeking nuclear weapons to the east…

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100 Ancient Vessels Found

{image_1}Before the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land, which was occupied by pagan Canaanites, God told Moses“…and this people will rise and play the harlot with the gods of the foreigners of the land, where they go to be among them, and they will forsake Me and break My covenant which I have made with them”(Deut. 31:16). This summer, some of the vessels used in the worship of these gods were unearthed by Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA)—intact.

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Arched Aqueduct Bridge Uncovered

{image_1}In the October 2009 issue of the Dispatch, we published an article about parts of Jerusalem’s ancient, lower level aqueduct being uncovered just below the Yemin Moshe community and on the southwestern boundary of Sultan’s Pool (near Hebron Road). Now, more of that same water system has been partially unearthed north of Sultan’s Pool across the street from the Tower of David. It is a spectacular arched bridge holding another part of the aqueduct that conveyed water to the Temple Mount.

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Greetings from Napoleon III

{image_1}Not all archaeological discoveries in Israel go back thousands of years. For instance, earlier this year, an impressive gold coin bearing the likeness of Louis Napoleon III was exposed in an archaeological excavation of the Israel Antiquities Authority [IAA] in Yafo [Jaffa or biblical Joppa, old part of Tel Aviv].

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Preparing for the Worst

{image_1}The fourth annual, nationwide Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Home Front drill took place in May, lasting five days. The exercise replicated emergency scenarios in more than 30 locations, including the evacuation of wounded from within ruins and cleansing an area that suffered an attack from an unconventional rocket. Citizens were encouraged to participate upon hearing the siren, going to the nearest shelter or safe room and remaining there for 10 minutes.

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