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Revolutionizing Heart Disease Diagnosis

{image_1} Even though it's widely known that heart disease is the number one killer worldwide, there's a critical piece missing from its treatment—early diagnosis. By the time a patient has suffered a heart attack, the damage has already been done.

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Proclaiming the Goodness of God—Sapar

{image_1} There are two Hebrew words with very similar meanings that are translated “proclaim” or “declare.” One is sapar,which means to number, count, proclaim, and declare. The other is qara, which means to state boldly and publicly. Both have the connotation of detail and unquestionable accuracy. Sapar is used in Genesis 15:5 where God tells Abram to number the stars and in 2 Samuel 24:10, where David takes a census. The verb can also mean “to measure,” as when Joseph gathers “grain, as the sand of the sea” (Gen. 41:49). But in 90 of its 110 uses, the word means to proclaim or declare, to orally list in detail a series of incontrovertible facts.

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1,400-year-old Wine Press Discovered

{image_1} One of the largest wine presses ever revealed in an archaeological excavation in Israel was recently exposed in excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The impressive press is 1,400 years old, from the Late Byzantine period (sixth to seventh centuries AD), and measures 6.5 x 16.5 meters (21 x 54 feet). It was discovered southwest of Kibbutz Hafetz-Haim, east of Ashdod.

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Unique Find—A Marble Hoard

{image_1} In an excavation that was conducted north of the Old City wall of Akko, a unique find was discovered from the Crusader period (13th century)—a hoard of 350 marble items.

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Keeping Food Safe from Farm to Fork

www.israelimages.com/ Noam Armonn

How can you be sure that bacteria are not festering in your food? Bacteria, viruses, and toxins thrive on food that is undercooked, inadequately refrigerated, or prepared in places where hygiene standards are lax. One Israeli company, however, hopes to make your food safe from the farm to your fork. Herzliya-based MS Tech has developed advanced smart sensor technology that can detect the presence of contaminants and related chemicals in just three seconds in the field.

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Iran’s Unchanged Rhetoric



“Definitely the day will come when nations of the region will witness the destruction of the Zionist regime.

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Fostering Love for the Bible

{image_1} Avner Netanyahu—son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara—won the regional-level, annual Bible quiz in Jerusalem in February. Held at the Bible Lands Museum, family, classmates, and even Avner’s school principal and homeroom teacher cheered him on as he bested 49 competitors and won with a score of 98 out of 100 points.

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Anti-Semitism on the Rise Worldwide


{image_1}“Living conditions in the city have become intolerable for Jews.” This would cause concern anywhere, and you might expect it in a mostly Muslim country, but, amazingly, this came from Sweden. Marcus Eilenberg, a former resident of the city of Malmo and interviewed by Ynetnews, tells more: “Each year the situation gets worse. Sometimes children need to be accompanied by guards when they go to kindergarten, and there are always guards around the Jewish Center…Stones being thrown at the center and other Jewish institutions has become a routine occurrence. Graffiti is scrawled on the walls, including swastikas next to Stars of David and ‘Hitler.’ My children can’t go to any Jewish activities without security.”

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“Lawfare” and the Middle East

{image_1} After landing at London’s Heathrow Airport, Israeli Maj. Gen. (res.) Doron Almog remained seated in his airplane seat after the pilot requested he be the last person to leave. He then got a troubling comment from an airline steward—the Israeli military attache in the United Kingdom wanted to speak with him. Almog called the attache and found out an arrest warrant had been issued against him for war crimes in the Gaza Strip. Despite coming to London to fundraise for a group helping autistic children, Almog would never get off the plane, returning to Israel instead. Although the warrant was later canceled, as Almog had left the court’s jurisdiction, it was far from a one-time incident.

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Hand Sanitizer STOPS Swine Flu

Photo by Isranet

While people all over the world worry about contracting swine flu, an Israeli company has come up with a product to prevent its spread. Yissum Research Development Company, the technology transfer arm of the Hebrew University (HU) of Jerusalem, presents EtoClean, a new antiviral hand sanitizer that stops the swine flu virus in its tracks.

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Israel Assesses 2009 Aid to Gaza

Photo by Isranet

A meeting of international aid agencies has reviewed their Gaza efforts and found, in 2009, their humanitarian goods deliveries rose 28%. The spokesman for the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (CoGAT) said international organizations were more active in the Gaza Strip despite the complex security situation.

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New Ways to Tour Israel

{image_1} Israel has been offering new ways to get around Israel that many people are not yet aware of. I recently tried two of them. If you are one of those adventuresome souls who come to Israel on your own, you may want to consider a different way to see Israel.

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