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Second Unveiling of 1,700-year-old Mosaic

{image_1} One of the most beautiful mosaics in Israel, which was discovered 13 years ago in Lod (home to Ben Gurion International Airport) and then covered over, was uncovered a second time and opened to the public for three days in July. The 1,700-year-old mosaic is to be moved to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) laboratories where conservation work will be undertaken for the next two years, after which it will be 
permanently returned to Lod.

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Preventing Heart Attacks with seaweed gel

{image_1}The Israeli company BioLineRx released the news in July that one of its two compounds—the BL-1040, which repairs damaged heart muscles after cardiac arrest—has been licensed by Ikaria Holdings in a US $282.5 million-deal. Injected into the heart as a liquid, when inside the body, BL-1040 turns into a protective gel scaffold, sheathing the heart muscles and giving them the ability to heal properly. In effect, it enhances the mechanical strength of the heart muscle during recovery and repair.

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Meter Monitors Cows and Milk

{image_1}Israeli company AfiMilk has developed a new meter that can monitor milk production in real time and online, giving dairy farmers critical information about possible contamination to milk supplies.

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A New Look for an Old City

By Charleeda Sprinkle, Assistant Editor

{image_1}Incessant pounding reverberates as deep caverns are dug for the foundations of new apartment buildings and hotels; pedestrians cautiously walk down torn-up streets; and buses are rerouted to accommodate revised construction schedules. What a mess! God’s great city, Jerusalem, is undergoing a makeover!

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71 Senators Ask Obama to Pressure Arab States

{image_1}Seventy-one US Senators sent a letter to US President Barack Obama asking him to encourage and pressure Arab states to consider “dramatic gestures” toward Israel in order to show their commitment to peace with the Jewish state. In their letter, the senators—Democrats and Republicans—detailed steps taken by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to signal Israel’s commitment for peace with the Palestinians and the entire Arab world.

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The New Aliyah:  From Red Tape to Red Carpet

By Chris Eden, BFP South Africa National Director 

{image_1}He will set up a banner for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth (Isa. 11:12, NKJV).

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Smallest Medical Video Camera

{image_1}Two Israeli companies—Medigus, experts in the miniaturization of diagnostic and surgical tools, and Tower Semiconductor, a leading specialty semiconductor manufacturer and image sensor provider—have collaborated to produce the world’s smallest medical video camera.

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Water Supply for Sultan’s Pool Found

{image_1} Most Jerusalemites identify the Sultan’s Pool as a venue where large cultural events are held [outside the Old City walls down from Jaffa Gate]; however, for hundreds of years, it was one of the city’s most important water reservoirs. In an archaeological excavation the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) recently conducted prior to the construction of the Montefiore Museum, an aqueduct—originally built by Herod—was uncovered that conveyed water to the Temple Mount and also served as the principal water supply to the Sultan’s Pool.

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Cure for Radiation Sickness Found?

By Ronen Bergman, Ynetnews

{image_1}Medication that can protect humans against nuclear radiation has been developed by Jewish–American scientists in cooperation with a researcher and investors from Israel. The ground-breaking medication, developed by Professor Andrei Gudkov, chief scientific officer at Cleveland BioLabs, may have far-reaching implications on the balance of power in the world, as states capable of providing their citizens with protection against radiation will enjoy a significant strategic advantage vis-a-vis their rivals.

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Gas Independence for Israel?

{image_1}A natural gas discovery off the coast of Haifa in northern Israel worth tens of billions of dollars is even better than expected, according to The Jerusalem Post. The site, known as Tamar, could hold as much as 180 billion cubic meters of natural gas, roughly 25 to 30% more than was originally believed. Drilling on the site for size-determination purposes was done at the end of April, followed by electronic testing in July. According to Ha’aretz, the find could lead to gas independence for Israel. Ha’aretz reported that from 2014–2018, Israel’s natural gas needs will be 9 to 10 billion cubic meters a year. The Tamar site is expected to be operational in 2012.

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A Jewish State Threatens All Humanity

{image_1}“The Jewish State, or People, or Land is a synonym of the black nightmare of Racism. It is a war waged on us; a new war aimed at eradicating Palestinians…Are we now witnessing our complete, final expulsion? Protest alone will not change or influence things…We are still under occupation; we are still ruled, in every aspect of life: livelihoods, sovereignty, and decision…If we do not wake up, perhaps we will be outside of our homeland and without residence.

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Preparing the Way for the Mahdi

{image_1}One of the many things that religious Jews and Bible-believing Christians have held in common throughout their shared history is the fact that they are each what might be called a “waiting people.” And even the least religious among Jews and Gentiles alike have been aware of just what it is both communities are waiting for—the Messiah. Arguments have abounded between them as to when He will come, how He will be recognized when He gets here, and perhaps most importantly, whether or not He has been here before. But all arguments aside, the bottom line is not up for debate in either community—He is coming.

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