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Israeli Medical Center for Gazans Opens

{image_1} The complicated reality of Israel’s never ending state of war is that it tears down with one hand and builds up with the other. The hope being that, at the end of the day, positive efforts will outweigh negative ones. And so, in the wake of a ceasefire that went into effect at 2 a.m. January 18, Israel’s Magen David Adom (MDA) opened a medical center at the Erez Crossing between Gaza and Israel to serve Gaza Strip citizens.

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The Story of God’s Deliverance—Pesach

{image_1} Pesach (Passover) is one of three pilgrimage festivals during which all the men of Israel are to come up to Jerusalem. The other two are Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Celebrated on the Hebrew month of Nisan 14–21 (generally in April), Pesach is an eight-day holiday remembering the Hebrews’ exodus from Egypt. Unlike most of the biblical feasts, Pesach is celebrated primarily in the home with friends and family, not in a synagogue. At least 98% of Israeli Jews participate, to some degree, in Pesach, celebrating God’s protection and provision. It’s a popular time for Jews from the nations to visit Israel, and many Israeli families take week-long vacations.

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The Story of God’s Deliverance—Pesach

{image_1} Pesach (Passover) is one of three pilgrimage festivals during which all the men of Israel are to come up to Jerusalem. The other two are Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Celebrated on the Hebrew month of Nisan 14–21 (generally in April), Pesach is an eight-day holiday remembering the Hebrews’ exodus from Egypt. Unlike most of the biblical feasts, Pesach is celebrated primarily in the home with friends and family, not in a synagogue. At least 98% of Israeli Jews participate, to some degree, in Pesach, celebrating God’s protection and provision. It’s a popular time for Jews from the nations to visit Israel, and many Israeli families take week-long vacations.

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Israeli Citizens Send Aid to Gaza

{image_1} Despite the facts that since 2005, over 8,000 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza, killing 12 and wounding dozens and 13 Israelis were killed during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, Israeli citizens banded together to collect humanitarian aid for Gazan families a week before the war ended.

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As Far As We Believe…

{image_1} “As far as we believe, Durban II is going to be the anti-Semitic event of 2009. It looks worse than we expected…Operation Cast Lead is going to take center stage…It was in everyone’s homes, on everyone’s television sets, and it’s going to be everywhere in Geneva as well.”

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The Lesson of the Fig:  Stuffed Fig Salad

{image_2} Of all the foods talked about in the Bible, figs are one of the most prevalent. Mentioned over 50 times, they have been valued throughout history and have served a variety of purposes. They are first mentioned in Genesis 3, where Adam and Eve confronted their nakedness. They deliberately disobeyed God’s only specific instruction, and unfortunately, the world was forever changed. Mankind became increasingly obsessed with the idea that “clothes make the man.” Adam and Eve’s eyes were drawn to the huge, sturdy fig leaves, and sewing a few together, designer clothing was born!

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Alleviating the Aliyah–crisis

{image_1} In January, we received yet more bad news. In a statement to the media, the Bank of Israel projected that overall output would shrink this year for the first time since 2002, heralding the onset of recession after five years in which the average annual growth rate was nearly 5%. As a result, the economy now takes its place alongside Gaza, the water shortage, and the Iranian nuclear threat as another acute problem on the national agenda.

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Canadian Hauls Great Catch in Israeli Waters

{image_1} When it comes to fishing in the Holy Land, Canadian fisherman Italo Labignan is nothing short of enthusiastic. “It’s an awesome experience,” he admits. This is fulsome praise indeed because Labignan is a premier fisherman and the host of Canada’s longest running and most watched sports fishing TV series.

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60-Year Reunion for Holocaust Survivor

{image_1} The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, organized the meeting that brought together Rozia Rothshild, who now lives in Tivon, Israel, with her rescuer Wiktoria Sozanska from Wroclaw, Poland, for the first time in over 60 years. This moving reunion between a Holocaust survivor and the Polish woman who risked her life to save her, took place at JFK Airport in New York.

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Border Guard Unit Stars in TV Series

{image_1} The world will soon get acquainted with the Israeli Border Guard unit through a documentary series on special police units around the world titled “Elite Police.” The Discovery Channel production, which is set to air in dozens of countries across the globe, premieres in South Africa.

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Let’s Celebrate – Purim!  Hamantaschen Recipe

{image_2} Purim is the most wildly joyous of all the Jewish holidays. While it is not included in the list of feasts found in Leviticus 23, it is Bible-based, commemorating the story of Esther. My husband Tom and I have been celebrating the Levitical feasts for over 25 years, but even before we “discovered” these Feasts of the Lord, we were introduced to the feast of Purim.

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Let’s Celebrate!!!

{image_1} Purim is the most wildly joyous of all the Jewish holidays. While it is not included in the list of feasts found in Leviticus 23, it is Bible-based, commemorating the story of Esther. My husband Tom and I have been celebrating the Levitical feasts for over 25 years, but even before we “discovered” these Feasts of the Lord, we were introduced to the feast of Purim.

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