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It’s Time to Bring Them Home!

{image_1}Last month, Israel held their annual
memorial of the Holocaust, honoring the six million Jews who died.
Sixty years ago, Hitler’s anti-Semitic regime was crushed,
but anti-Semitism is far from dead. Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe
recently wrote, “The fires of anti-Semitism are sweeping
across Europe today as it did just prior to the dreadful Holocaust

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60 Years of Excellence

Strong Leaders

The leaders we are highlighting here are only a few of dozens we could choose from. We are thankful that God has given Israel so many strong men and women to help shape this country. What an awesome privilege they have had!

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IDF Halts Gaza-bound Potassium Nitrate

{image_1}A truck carrying 6.5 tons (5.8 metric tons) of potassium nitrate was halted by the Israel Defense Forces at a check point into Judea and Samaria (West Bank) earlier this year. The potassium nitrate was found in sugar bags, disguised as aid from the European Union (EU). The EU has denied any association with the smuggling attempt.

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Electric Car Planned for Israel

{image_1}The Israeli government is teaming up with Renault-Nissan and Project Better Place to set up the first mass marketing of electric vehicles that run on 100% electricity. The cars will be available for customers in 2011 in Israel, with other market countries intended as well.

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Israeli Researchers Make Top 50

{image_1}Three Israeli researchers from Tel Aviv University have been named on the Scientific American list of 50 top leaders in the field of research, policymaking, and business.

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Watching the Signs

March 31, 2008

“I thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God has worked for me” (Dan. 4:2).

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A recap of the past 60 years in Israel.

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Notable Quotes

{image_1}Theodor Herzl
Founder of modern political Zionism

“Were I to sum up the Basel Congress [First Zionist Congress in Switzerland in 1897] in a word…it would be this: ‘At Basel, I founded the Jewish State.’ If I said this out loud today, I would be answered by universal laughter. If not in 5 years, certainly in 50, everyone will know it.”

—Journal entry, September 3, 1897

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Children: Victims of the Hate Industry

Young children and adolescents in the Gaza Strip are taught to kiss the corpses of terrorist-operative martyrs (in Arabic, shaheed or shahid), who died for the sake of Allah. This is part of the indoctrination to hate Israel and to promote the popularity of the shaheed cult in the Palestinian-controlled territories, although this practice is not founded in the Muslim tradition. A report issued by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center on December 6, 2007 says:

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Israeli Cowboys in America

{image_1}A group of six Israeli cowboys will soon depart on a unique journey across the United States aimed at marking Israel’s 60th anniversary and raising awareness to the historic date in the American media. The six travellers will be riding on Israeli born-and-raised horses and carry Israeli flags with them. They plan to cross the country from north to south, possibly taking the Continental Divide National Trail, leading from the Canadian border to the Mexican one through the Rocky Mountains. On the way, they will stop over in Jewish and Christian Zionist communities.

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Israeli Technology “Revolutionary”

{image_1}Back in 2002, a leading global advisory firm wrote this astounding statement: “Without Israeli technology, the West will not develop. Many organizations throughout the world, including the American national infrastructure, will not survive for long without constant support from the revolutionary technology coming from Israel.” OnTarget Technology’s Web site affirms this same sentiment: “Israel is the source of highly innovative telecom technologies that consistently attract investments and acquisitions by US companies.” They also list the following outstanding achievements for this small, young country:

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