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Watering the Prospects for Peace

{image_1}Can water resources unite Jordanians, Israelis, and Palestinians?

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Leggy Beauty

{image_1}Denise the giraffe and her new baby are wowing the crowds at the Ramat Gan Safari Park in Israel. Denise, now seventeen years old, gave birth to her tenth calf, following a fifteen-month pregnancy. Mother and child are left to their own devices in a small, covered enclosure. Safari’s veterinary staff says, from their observation, the new calf looks very well. After all, Denise has had a lot of previous experience with her previous offspring! In fact, it is likely that Denise will break the world record for giraffe births in captivity. The previous record was 10 calves before age 20.

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Remembering the Courage of the Light Horse Brigade

{image_1}The 90th anniversary of the lightning strike of the Light Horse Brigade was commemorated in Beersheva with a realistic reenactment of the last-ditch, seemingly near-suicidal charge by Australian and New Zealand horsemen against the Turks on October 31, 1917. It was a turning point in World War I and helped pave the way for the creation of the State of Israel. Nearly 1,000 Australians, New Zealanders, Israelis, Britons, and others gathered to remember the heroic battle that led to the liberation of Beersheba and was a vital key in opening the gateway to the ancient city of Jerusalem. On the same day as the Beersheva charge, the British Government drafted the Balfour Declaration, which was the foundation for the recognition of the State of Israel.

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Israel—Alone Again?

{image_1}We have experienced a series of earthquakes in Israel this year but none recorded anything like the shock that came with the US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE). “Iran froze its nuclear weapons program in 2003” was the intelligence assessment that shook the foundations here. The NIE report was issued by 16 American intelligence agencies. The spy guys were leaders in their field and included the FBI, CIA, The Department of Homeland Security, The US State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, the National Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. It was stunning news in Israel, which has a particular awareness of Iran and its objective to “wipe Israel off the map.” The highest priority for the Mossad (Israeli intelligence agency) for the past five years has been the Iranian nuclear program and its increasing risk for Israel.

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Light—God’s Redeeming “Or”—Or

{image_1}What was the first thing that God made during His 6-day process of creation? He created light (“or”), and not because He needed light to see by, but because His original heavens and earth were still dark and void, and His future creation would need light to live and subsist by. When God said, “‘Let there be light’; and there was light” (Gen. 1:3)—or in Hebrew, “Yehi or, vayehi or”—His very words caused the light to come forth from His countenance and expel the darkness. “LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us” (Ps. 4:6b, KJV). His light now reached into the darkest depths of the universe.

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Boasts and Threats from the Other Side

{image_1}“Muslims Are Masters of the World”

“The Muslims and their societies are more advanced and more sublime than the West and its societies…are more perfect in value system and humanity. The fact that there are those who believe that these are Western values—it is a delusion and false, since the Muslims are masters of the world, its leaders and teachers, even if the West rejects this.”

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Dead Sea “Saves” Boy

{image_1}Religious and secular rescue workers reportedly danced on the beach of the Dead Sea in the early hours of an August morning to express their thanks to God after a Jewish boy feared drowned was found safe and sound. According to a report on Israel National News, Schneur Zalman Friedman, 8, had gone missing after taking a dip with members of his orthodox family the afternoon before.

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Nazi Graffiti Across Israel

{image_1}Nazi-related graffiti is appearing on synagogues and other buildings throughout Israel in a markedly increased fashion. In September, eight members of a neo-Nazi cell in Petah Tikva were arrested. The cell members were charged with several violent attacks, as well as defacing property, including several synagogues last year. Upon searching their homes, police found neo-Nazi movies, posters, and other materials, as well as weapons such as brass knuckles, knives, and an improvised pistol. The suspects were taken into custody awaiting trial.

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Gaza Christian Murdered

{image_1}A Gaza Christian director of an all-Christian bookstore was found murdered in October after he had vanished the day before. The attack came after the ministry associated with the bookstore, the Palestinian Bible Society, was bombed earlier this year. Rami Khader Ayyad, 32, had received death threats prior to the attack, during which he was stabbed and shot. His death was not the first incident of violence toward the 2,500 Christians living in Gaza. An elderly woman was beaten with a club and sharp objects the month prior.

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Jobs, Wages on the Rise

{image_1}The Israeli economy showed some positive signs in the first half of 2007, according to data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics. Jobs and wages both increased over last year. Seasonally adjusted, Israeli jobs were more than 80,000 higher than in June 2006. Each month in the first half of 2007 had a higher number of jobs than their 2006 counterpart.

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What Happened at Carmel?

{image_1}It is in Israel where the Bible comes alive to Christian pilgrims. This is especially true at Carmel, where the great contest between monotheism and paganism took place (1 Kings 18). Today, it is one of the most beautiful mountains in the Land and is the site of this peaceful Carmelite Monastery. Tom, our local Israel tour guide, takes us back to that event, uncovering the secret to Elijah’s fire and some miracles that are often overlooked in this story.

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What Happened at Carmel?

{image_1}It is in Israel where the Bible comes alive to Christian pilgrims. This is especially true at Carmel, where the great contest between monotheism and paganism took place (1 Kings 18). Today, it is one of the most beautiful mountains in the Land and is the site of this peaceful Carmelite Monastery. Tom, our local Israel tour guide, takes us back to that event, uncovering the secret to Elijah’s fire and some miracles that are often overlooked in this story.

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