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The Hizbullah Threat-  Unresolved

September 5, 2006

The shooting war with the Hizbullah has come to a temporary end, but the parties have continued with the war of words. Both sides are claiming victory. An examination of the war, the cease-fire, and the future will shed light on the winners and the losers of this conflict.

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Arab Journalist To Palestinians- Recognize Israel

September 5, 2006

While Israel continues its incursions into the Gaza Strip, which it had unilaterally evacuated 10 months ago, some Arabs recognize a new reality on the Israeli-Palistinian conflict.

One letter was written by senior Egyptian journalist Youssef Ibrahim and published in the New York Sun. Ibrahim served for 24 years as a senior reporter for the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and had interviewed almost every Arab leader during those years. Since 2001, Ibrahim serves as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank in New York.

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Children uncover a Mosaic

September 5, 2006

Just before the summer break, a group of Jewish and Arab fifth and sixth graders unearthed a mosaic floor as part of a year-long archaeological enrichment program, sponsored by the Israel Antiquities Authority.

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Israeli Water Know-How in China

August 3, 2006

China and Israel will work together to introduce Israeli water technology into the world’s most populous nation under a cooperation agreement reached with China’s Ministry of Water Resources during the recent Water Expo in Beijing.

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Indonesia to Play Tennis in Israel

August 3, 2006

In a major diplomatic milestone, Indonesia’s government says it will allow its women’s Fed Cup tennis team to compete in Israel. Indonesia is the most populous Muslim nation and has been a vocal critic of Israel, which is scheduled to host the World Group II playoff in July. The Indonesian tennis federation had originally asked for a change of venue, but Israel would not yield its right to host the event.

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Tourism Jumps 30%

August 3, 2006

In January-April 2006, 695,000 tourists entered Israel, a 30% rise over the same period last year. Tourist traffic from North America surged 34% compared to the first four months of 2005. Arrivals from the United States came to 174,000 (up 42%), making that country the largest source of tourism to Israel.

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Israel First in Strategy Games

August 3, 2006

Israel may not be taking part in the World Cup, but in thinking games, its students are world champions. In June, four Israelis won first place in the first Olympics for thinking games, which took place in the University of Oxford in Britain.

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Makluba – Enjoying Middle Eastern Cuisine

August 3, 2006

Often, when my roommates and I have had guests from the nations at our Shabbat (Sabbath) table on Friday night, we have enjoyed serving them a Middle Eastern meal for a special cultural experience. My favorite choice is makluba, an upside-down chicken and rice dish. It has a delicious Middle Eastern flavor and lends to a very dramatic presentation––turning the hot pot upside-down into a perfectly molded creation.

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Hamas: “No Peace, Ever, Without the Return of Millions of Arabs”

August 3, 2006

While worldwide attempts continue in an effort to moderate Hamas and have it agree to negotiate with Israel, Hamas issued a bellicose “Nakba Day” (Day of Catastrophe) proclamation, rendering all such efforts moot. The Arabs of the Palestinian Authority (PA) commemorate May 15—the date of the end of the British Mandate in 1948, which made room for the formation of the State of Israel—as their “Nakba Day.”

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Syrian Cleric: “Bush, Britain, and the Jews Can Explode!”

August 3, 2006

“Hamas won [the elections], with Syria standing by it—in front of it, behind it, to its right, and to its left, and Bush can [go] explode…Bush can [go] explode, and all of Britain can [go] explode, along with all its supporters from among the Jews. The Jews must know that they will definitely be defeated. The hypocrites should also know…The leaders who tremble and fear for their thrones must also know that these thrones will not help them. These thrones will not spare them anything. This hollow drum will be to no avail on the day the real drum—the drum of Jihad—is beaten. This nation must devour these hypocrites and trample them underfoot.”

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Ahmadinejad: “Let Israelis Return to Their Homelands”

August 3, 2006

Why do you think they [Jews] are safe in Palestine? These people, who left their homelands as a result of your [allies of WWII] pressure and anti-Judaism, went to a country that did not belong to them. Different minorities from different countries came to live side by side, just like pieces of paper joined together with a paper clip. They live in an atmosphere of insecurity on a daily basis. I’ve said this once, and I’ll say it again: Open the gates of this big prison. Allow these people to decide freely, and you will see that they will return to their homelands. Of course, you must first let go of your anti-Judaism. You must let go of it. We believe that just like the rest of mankind, the Jews have the right to live a life of prosperity, freedom, and security. Set them free, and let them return to their homelands.”

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August 3, 2006

The beginning of something new…

On June 11, 2006, 45 young adults––mostly college students––went into the Judean desert for a unique face-to-face experience. What was interesting about this event is that it involved three different groups: 16 Jewish students from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya representing StandWithUs (SWU), 19 Christian students on a tour with Eagles’ Wings, and 5 long-term young adult volunteers from Bridges for Peace in Jerusalem. This was a face-to-face encounter aimed at bringing Christians and Jews together, young people who love the Land of Israel and have a passion for Zionism.

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