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The Historical and Legal Rights of the Jews to the Land of Israel

September 20, 2005

People look for one of three ways to prove that the Jews have a claim to current Israel: The first is a biblical claim, the second is a historical claim, and the third is a legal claim.

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Controlling Bacteria Without Antibiotics

September 20, 2005

Enhancing quorum sensing could prove useful in agriculture, biotechnology, and the food industry.

The overuse of antibiotics in recent decades has created resistant strains of bacteria, which often make drugs much less effective in fighting infections. But a promising experimental method for controlling bacterial activity without antibiotics—by interfering with their communication process—has been developed by doctoral student Adel Jabbour, a 32-year-old Hebrew University researcher from Upper Nazareth.

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Palace of King David discovered

September 20, 2005

The Bible has led the way to a new and exciting archaeological discovery in Jerusalem. Famed Israeli archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem followed Bible verses to what is believed to be the palace of King David.

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The Dead Sea Is it really Dead?

September 20, 2005

You have probably heard at least one preacher give a sermon on tithing. I’ve heard a lot of them. Some are fun, others are interesting, and some contain errors. I won’t try to correct all of the errors or repeat all of the goodies. But I will try to correct one erroneous message I’ve heard and give an alternative, which will allow the same sermon to be preached without that error.

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Called To Serve

With a smile, the waitress asked, “May I serve you?” as she handed menus to Richard Bristol and Pieter Marais, from our Food Bank. They were eating lunch at Carmei Ha’ir (Vineyards of the City), a Jerusalem restaurant near Machane Yehuda, a popular outdoor fruit and vegetable market. The food served was delicious, with meat and fish choices, and the service was prompt and courteous. Certainly, this was a restaurant to remember. But, wait, this was no ordinary restaurant! When they finished eating, no one brought a bill or asked for payment.

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Bnei Menashe-  “Descendants of Israel”

August 8, 2005

In a historic decision in March, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar decided to recognize formally the Bnei Menashe (sons of Manasseh) of northeastern India as “descendants of Israel.”

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“Pullout Will Be Followed by Increased Terror”

August 8, 2005

Speaking at a conference in April, Israel’s outgoing army chief of staff warned not to “expect the Messiah to come with” Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Lieutenant General Moshe Yaalon warned that terror will increase significantly after the pullout, particularly in the Samaria area of the West Bank where four Israeli communities are being evacuated.

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Iraqi Visitor- Arabs Have Good Life Under Israel

August 8, 2005

Those Arabs living in Israel and areas under the Jewish state’s overall control enjoy far greater freedoms than any of their brethren throughout the Middle East, said Mithal Al-Alusi, leader of the Democratic Party of Iraq, after visiting Israel.

“I am sure that the Palestinian [Arabs] in Israel have more rights than in any other Arab country, and even the Iraqi citizens during the time of Saddam [Hussein],” he said.

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Israel’s Amazing Variety of Foods: Hot Avocado Soup

August 8, 2005

What’s new on the Israeli menu? The variety of foods in Israel is amazing due to the fact that her immigrants come from well over 100 nations, bringing their favorite recipes, which then get blended into new taste sensations.

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Arabs Vandalize Judaism´s Holiest Site

August 8, 2005

An act of Islamic vandalism on a wall of Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, has elicited outrage on the part of archaeologists. In March, the word “Allah” was found carved into the eastern wall of the Temple Mount. The Arabic letters are approximately a foot tall (30.5 centimeters).

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Israel Expects Middle Eastern war in 2006

August 8, 2005

Israel has expressed its belief that Iran and several of its Arab allies are preparing for a full-scale war against the Jewish state, possibly following the expected United States withdrawal from Iraq in 2006.

Unnamed U.S. officials told Middle East Newsline in April that, according to Israeli assessments, the departure of most American forces from the region will lead to increased tensions and provide an atmosphere ripe for an escalation of violence against Israel.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “has relayed repeated messages to the U.S. administration that Iran and its Arab allies are preparing for war,” one official said.

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Thieves Try to Sell Ancient Bones

August 8, 2005

First, the antiquities thieves sold stolen ancient burial boxes. Now, they are trying to sell the human bones inside them as well. Israel’s Antiquities Authority announced that they had thwarted an attempt by two Jerusalem Arab men to sell four Second-Temple ossuaries—and the human bones inside—to Zaka, Israel’s volunteer rescue and recovery organization, for reburial.

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