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Israel Trade With Arab Countries Up

{image_1} The first three quarters of 2004 have seen almost a 50 percent increase in Israel’s trade with Arab countries. Despite the Oslo War, Israel’s economic relations with Arab states are apparently warming up. Israel’s trade with the Arab world rose a total of 47.4 percent so far in 2004 to US $169.7 million, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.

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Viable Oil Strike in Israel

{image_1} For the first time in many years, a new, commercially viable oil well has been discovered in Israel. The Lapidot Oil Company recently concluded a drilling in Heletz, northeast of Sderot, and found a deposit of some 750,000 barrels of oil.

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Israelis and U.S. Scientist Share Nobel Chemistry Prize

{image_1} Two Israelis and an American won the 2004 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their work related to how the human body singles out unwanted proteins for destruction to defend itself from disease.

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Sea of Galilee in Good Shape

{image_1} The Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel’s largest reservoir, stands fuller and higher than it has been in previous years at this time. The level of the lake is now 210.5 meters (689.6 feet) below sea level—approximately 20 centimeters (7.9 inches) higher than it was last year at this time, and almost four meters (13 feet) higher than two years ago.

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Israeli Pen Enables E-handwriting

December 27, 2004

{image_1} A new Israeli-developed electronic pen enables writing on ordinary paper to be saved to a computer instantly. It also allows handwriting to be entered directly into a computer, cell phone, or personal digital assistant (PDA), facilitating handwritten data to be sent via e-mail.

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Terror Killings Down 84% Due to Fence

There has been an 84 percent decrease in Israelis killed in terror attacks since the completion in August 2003 of the first portion of the security fence: 134 kilometers (83 miles) between Salem and Elkana.

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Hamas Members On UN Payroll

The Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), Peter Hansen, told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in October that he was sure members of the militant Hamas organization were on the payroll in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza Strip, but that he did not “see that as a crime.”

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DVD of American’s Beheading Is Hot Item in Gaza

Video shops in Gaza were selling in September a new DVD featuring the recent beheading of an American in Iraq. The gruesome video, priced at NIS 15 (about US $3), was apparently selling like hotcakes.

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To give or not to give ?

{image_1} Every day, I look forward to the arrival of the mail. Unfortunately, I am often disappointed because I seem to receive more fund-raising letters and junk mail than personal letters. Most of the envelopes end up in the trash can without even being opened. A few catch my interest, usually because I have a special interest in the cause, or because I personally know people in the ministry. Many ministries tell me why I ought to contribute to their work. But how can you know which ministry to give to? In this letter, I am going to tell you why you should not give!

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