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Israel Helps Blossom the Desert in Developing Countries

Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, is well-known for his belief in the importance of the nation’s southern desert regions. He said, “It is in the Negev that the creativity and pioneer vigor of Israel shall be tested.” Since the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948, farmers and researchers alike have been working

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The Stones Cry Out: Archaeology and the Jewish Connection to the Land

The Jewish connection to the Land has ancient roots, first birthed when Abraham came to the place where God led him, and then thoroughly established the moment Joshua and the Children of Israel set foot on Canaan’s soil. God placed His name upon the Land and marked it as His own. Then He gave it

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The Prequel to the “Deal of the Century”

How the Revised View on Judea and Samaria Set the Stage On January 28, 2020, the United States under President Donald Trump formally announced a Middle East peace plan in which they acknowledged that the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria—which some call “settlements”—would remain part of Israel. While some elements of President Trump’s “Deal

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The Lone Soldiers Guarding Israel

Since its rebirth 72 years ago, Israel has navigated a grim reality. “If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summed up the situation. For this reason, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) exists. At any given time, tens of thousands of Israelis form part of

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The Fight Must Go On

When work began on the Fifth World Holocaust Forum to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz–Birkenau death camp, organizers planned for 10 world leaders to be in attendance, 15 if the heavens smiled down on the event. Yet on January 23, 2020, delegations from 49 countries converged on Jerusalem for the

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Unpacking the Parashah

The Jewish people have a long history of closely studying God’s word. It is precious to them. The Torah (Gen.–Deut.) is especially dear, and they focus on it weekly throughout the year. In fact, the Jewish community worldwide reads through those five books of Moses, sometimes called the Pentateuch, every year on a standardized cycle.

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Israeli Celebrations—Expressions of Joy, Sorrow and Hope

Israel’s Independence Day, Jerusalem. It is well past midnight, but the capital is more alive than ever. From the Old City to Jaffa Street—and all across the country—Israel celebrates. Standing on the crowded streets amid a thousand other revelers, it is easy to be swept up in the merriment. Foreigners and natives alike dance together

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Reclaiming Nazi Plunder

In 2006, an exquisite painting by Gustav Klimt sold for the staggering sum of US $135 million. The painting was owned by Maria Altmann, a Holocaust survivor who was born in Vienna and escaped to Los Angeles during the war. It was a portrait of Altmann’s aunt, Adele Bloch-Bauer, decorated in gold and silver leaf,

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The Real Bad Guys in Tehran

As tensions between Iran and the United States simmer, the Islamic Republic continues proclaiming its goals to wipe Israel off the map and punish the US for standing with the Jewish state against Iranian aggression. The friction culminated in clashes in December and January that led to multiple Iranian strikes on American targets in Iraq

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Abundant Rainfall: The Sea of Galilee Fills Up

Bible readers all know about the Sea of Galilee. In modern Hebrew it is called the Kinneret because it has the shape of a harp (kinnor). Much of Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) ministry happened around her shores. We read of Jesus walking on the water (Matt. 14:22–33), calming the sea (Mark 4:35–41), advising the disciples how to

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Charoset Labneh Cheesecake

During Pesach (Passover), the Jewish people eat unleavened bread to commemorate their hasty departure from Egypt. The seder (Passover ritual meal) includes many symbols of their time in slavery, including charoset—a cinnamon, apple and walnut blend commemorating the mortar the Israelites used. Our leaven-free cheesecake, a traditional Pesach dessert, is infused with the flavors of

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The Palestinians: More than Seven Decades of No to Peace

The long-awaited “Deal of the Century”—US President Donald Trump’s proposal aimed at bringing decades of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to a close—was revealed on January 28. In the months since the detailed 180-page plan saw the light, world leaders, governments, experts, international bodies, forums and leagues have all commented, speculated and weighed in

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