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Now It’s Your Turn to Protect and Defend

You were born 19 years ago, during the first months that we lived in Hoshaya [community in northern Israel]. For us, you symbolize our decision to make this community our permanent home. And now you too, Ari Benartzi, our third child, are enlisting in the IDF [Israel Defense Forces]. You will join the ranks of

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Princess Alice: A Legacy of Courage

Prince William’s first official visit to Israel in July this year was marked by a special stopover at the Church of Mary Magdalene on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. He was there to visit the gravesite of his great-grandmother, Princess Alice. A Life of Hardship  Born into the British royal family in 1885,

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Neighbor to Neighbor

Golan Residents Pull Together to Help Syrian Refugees The Syrian Civil War may be drawing to a close, but for years now fierce fighting and chemical weapons have left a scar on the Middle East, driving hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to the Israeli and Jordanian borders. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been

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Ayala’s Wholesome Hamin

Hamin is a Jewish staple in many homes on Shabbat (Sabbath)—a hot, filling dish that cooks overnight and into the morning so families have a warm meal ready to eat after Saturday morning prayers. Cholent is the Ashkenazi version of Hamin and involves mixing all the ingredients together into a stew. The Sephardic Hamin is

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A War of Words

Repeat a lie often enough and it will eventually become truth. That is the propaganda law from which the Nazis reportedly wove an elaborate plot to justify the murder of six million Jews. Their approach was anything but original. Libels, slurs and slanders sold as fact are ancient weapons in the arsenal of those who

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Did You Know? Surprising Facts about Israel and the Middle East

Global news headlines cover the Middle East—and Israel in particular—on what feels like a daily basis. With the abundance of information in near constant circulation, many people have reason to view themselves as experts on the Jewish state. However, there are facts about Israel, the Palestinians and the Middle East that are unknown to most.

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Israeli Initiative Offers Groundbreaking Medical Guidance for Arabic-speaking Diabetics

Israel’s Gertner Institute at the Sheba Medical Center recently launched “Sehatuna,” an online platform in Arabic dedicated to providing medical support and guidance on diabetes. The first-of-its-kind virtual community which functions in Arabic will facilitate consultations with Israeli medical professionals, connect diabetes patients from all over the world and feature a variety of articles on

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Israeli Company Develops Laser to Fight Forest Fires

Massive forest fires currently rage in numerous nations around the world. Firefighters in Canada, Greece, India, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States are fighting an ongoing battle to quench the flames that threaten to burn up large areas of natural vegetation, ISRAEL21c reports. Moreover, experts warn that global warming and

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Clean Drinking Water from Medical Waste

A glass of H2O to quench the thirst is something that many take for granted. Yet clean drinking water is one of the most desperately sought-after commodities in remote rural areas in developing nations. Israeli company NUFiltration is using discarded medical devices to remedy the situation. NUFiltration repurposes dialysis filters that have been discarded after

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Remembering the Vilna Synagogue

In archaeological excavations that recently took place in Lithuania, archaeologists discovered the stage from which the Torah [Gen.–Deut.] was read to the Jewish community of Vilna for 300 consecutive years. This tradition stopped abruptly during the Holocaust, when the Great Synagogue, then the beating heart of the Lithuanian Jewish community, was looted and burned by

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Iran is Fueling Israel’s Conflict with Hamas

Iran has been seeking to escalate tensions along Israel’s southern border with Gaza, with the goal of “deterring” Israel from taking decisive action either in its north or south, an expert on Lebanon argued in an essay published in Tablet. Tony Badran, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, noted that various

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Irresponsible Journalism: Media Bias and the Gaza Riots

In the surge of media attention surrounding the Gaza riots earlier this year, one theme was prevalent: a virulent attack on the State of Israel and her right to defend her sovereign borders. The attack came with one of the most incisive weapons in the war for public opinion—the media. Misleading Headlines Shortly after the

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