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From the River to the…Where?

  Professor Ron Hassner, Israel studies chair at the University of California, rattled a few academic cages in a recent widely quoted article where he stated, “There’s no shame in being ignorant unless one is screaming for the extermination of millions.” The comment was both a harsh indictment of an ineffective educational system that has

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Hamas: ‘Our Side of the Story’

  Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. That is Hamas’s name for the October 7 massacre, the bloodiest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. On what is now being called Black Shabbat, thousands of Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel, killing nearly 1,200 people and kidnapping some 240 more. Most of the victims were children, women, babies

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A Different Kind of Hostage

  The dictionary defines a hostage as one who has been captured, taken and held as a prisoner of war, kept within bounds of confinement or held under the control of another. On October 7, 2023, over 240 people were torn from their homes, workplaces and even a music event being held to promote peace.

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Arabs against Hamas

  It is commonly believed that anyone who speaks out in support of Israel’s military position is either Jewish or Christian. However, there is a specific demographic of people who support Israel without any religious or ethnic ties to the country. They advocate against terrorism…against Hamas. This conviction often comes at a high cost as

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Artificial Indoctrination

  In the realm of technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as both a beacon of hope and a harbinger of peril. While AI promises to revolutionize industries and streamline processes, its unchecked proliferation poses unprecedented risks. Specifically the field of Generative AI (GenAI) and its ability to obfuscate reality, manipulate narratives and social media

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Revenge, Retaliation or a Fight against Evil?

  “Over the top.” Taking to the White House podium early February, that’s how US President Joe Biden chose to describe Israel’s military campaign against Hamas in Gaza. The three-word phrase communicated a number of inaccuracies. To pick just one, the average civilian-to-combatant death ratio in conflicts since World War II is 4.5:1, which translates

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Unity in Time of Trouble—Israel’s Hidden Strength

  In every culture there are unique expressions, words that help paint a picture of the character of the members of that people group. For the Jewish people, “Hazak, hazak v’nithazek” is just such a phrase. Translated, these Hebrew words mean: “Be strong, be strong and may we be strengthened.” And strength has certainly been

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Aliyah in a Time of War

  “Israel is mourning. Israel is fighting. Israel is filled with hope. We are not alone, which is a new feeling, since we were alone for so long.” –Danielle Mor, the Jewish Agency for Israel Many might assume that immigration to Israel slowed or halted since the October 7 massacre of 1,200 people by Hamas

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‘Comfort My People’

Isaiah’s famous words, “Comfort, yes, comfort My people” (40:1), resounds in my heart. So many families in Israel are in deep mourning following the massacre on October 7 when Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 people. Moreover, soldiers are continuing to fall in the ensuing war against Hamas on a nearly daily basis. The words from Isaiah

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Out-from-Egypt Passover Lamb

  Passover is one of the most joyous times of the year here in Israel. The festival commemorates God delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt with “a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm” (Deut. 26:8). Families gather together on the first night of Passover to eat a dinner called a seder, which literally

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Never Again?

January 16, 2024

  A deadly virus is on the loose in the world today. It is not a novel virus but an age-old disease that slyly simmers beneath the surface. Transmitted from one generation to the next, the symptoms and prognosis of this virus are well known. Yet from time to time, the virus is cultivated and

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The Most Fruitful Lie

January 16, 2024

    A thrill of anticipation rippled through the crowd. They’d come in their thousands, carrying a sea of red, green, white and black. Some of them shuffled impatiently, eager to move, to fight, to push back against the injustice. Others stared straight ahead, their faces set like flint at the thought of the horrors

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