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Golden Treasure Hoard

The treasure discovered in the Caesarea National Park harbor The largest treasure of gold coins ever discovered in Israel was found on the seabed in the ancient harbor in Caesarea National Park, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced. A group of divers from the local diving club in the harbor reported the find to the

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Cave Yields Rich Secrets

An official of the IAA and members of the Israeli Caving Club searching for more finds in the cave The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) revealed that a group of friends from an Israeli Caving Club had discovered, in a stalactite cave in the north of Israel, a cache of rare coins and silver and bronze

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Iran Is Building a New Persian Empire

Photo credit: Steven Blandin/shutterstock.com The first Persian Empire is well-known to students of the Bible. Its founder, King Cyrus the Great, is lauded as the ruler God used to return the Jewish people from 70 years of exile. It is also portrayed by the book of Daniel as one of the world’s most powerful and

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Israel’s Grim Projections for Pending War with Hezbollah

Photo credit: IDF/flickr.com For the first time in Israel since 2007, the Home Front Command and the Planning Directorate have drafted a new “reference scenario”, visualizing a potential Third Lebanon War that includes an average of 1,200 rockets per day launched from Lebanon and hundreds of Israelis dying over the course of the battle. The

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“Israel is Your Home”

As the ugly menace of anti-Semitism rises again in France, Denmark and Ukraine, many are calling for the Jews of Europe to come home to Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu has led the charge! “Jews have been murdered again on European soil only because they were Jews,” Mr. Netanyahu said after an attack in Copenhagen. After

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Poll: Both Jews and Arabs Proud to be Israeli

March 25, 2015

An annual “state of the nation” survey conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute last week found that a firm majority of both Jews and Arabs are proud to call themselves Israeli. Unsurprisingly, 86 percent of Jewish respondents had no problem identifying with their nationality. But those who often characterize Israel as a racist state might

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Soldiers with Four Legs

Air Force bases are home to some of the most advanced military equipment and machinery in Israel. Combat jets, airborne ammunition and cutting-edge radar systems make these bases a strategic target for anyone trying to attack Israel. Protecting these bases is a top priority, and surprisingly on the forefront of this crucial task are four-legged

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Israeli Doctors Bring Smiles to Vietnamese Children

Operation Smile in action Every child deserves a future filled with hope. That is one of the core beliefs driving Operation Smile, a leading children’s medical charity that provides free cleft palate and lip surgeries in developing countries. Two Israeli doctors recently joined forces with Operation Smile to heal hundreds of smiles among Vietnamese children,

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Israel—Standing Strong

Anti-Semitism Is Exploding Globally “The Holocaust did not cure the world of anti-Semitism,” Netanyahu said at Yad Vashem. Instead, “hatred of the Jews has returned in full force.” “Once again in Europe and elsewhere,” Netanyahu warned, “Jews are being slandered, vilified and targeted just for being Jews. This is taking place in the intolerant Middle

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Kubbeh—Middle Eastern Dumplings

Kubbeh is a type of dumpling usually served in soup throughout the Middle East and Israel. Kubbeh dumplings consist of a dough shell that is filled with seasoned meat. The dumplings are shaped like torpedoes, croquettes or balls. The soup base is comprised of chicken, beef, beet or various vegetable stocks.       The

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Snow Day in Jerusalem!

It began in the evening. A snowstorm in Jerusalem was getting underway. As the first flakes fell, streets in the usually bustling capital were deserted. Jerusalemites were waiting inside, not out. As rain and slush turned into snow, excited cries were heard, as calls of sheleg (snow) fell from windows and balconies, joining heavy flakes

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The War for Europe: Radical Islam, Terrorism and Anti-Semitism on the Rise

 One day in October, all of Europe was at risk of Islamic domination. Spurred by successes elsewhere, militant Muslims entered the region of France to continue the ascent of their global Muslim Caliphate, or empire. But Charles Martel and his forces defeated the aggressive Muslim hordes at the Battle of Tours in the year AD

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