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Tower of David Museum—Revealing Ancient Treasures

If you are looking for a dynamic experience on your next visit to Jerusalem, I highly recommend a visit to the Tower of David Museum. Even if you’ve visited before, the revamped and updated museum opened its doors in June to the public after a three-year, US $50 million renewal and conservation upgrade. Many who

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“Squeeze-the-day” Limonana

Picture yourself on a scorching day in Israel, yearning for a refreshing, tangy and sweet drink to quench your thirst. Enter Limonana, a beloved beverage among locals and tourists alike. Its name is derived from the Hebrew words for lemon (limon) and mint (nana). As you take the first sip, the combination of the lemon’s

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Loving God and Israel—It’s in our DNA

For 30 years, it has been my honor to work with Bridges for Peace, the last 18 of them as the international president and CEO. Throughout these years, even back to 1964 when our founder, Dr. G. Douglas Young, moved to Israel, Bridges for Peace has steadfastly stood with Israel. In 1967, Dr. Young used

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The War for the Heart of a Generation

Recent polls regarding evangelical support for Israel have some leaders worried. Although the numbers remain high among baby boomers, support among younger evangelicals seems to be declining. Such a trend, were it to continue, could have a profound effect on evangelicalism itself and perhaps more broadly, on Israel’s already tenuous relationship with the international community.

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Coming Home, Just Like God Promised

In 2022, a record-breaking number of Jewish people made the decision to bid the country of their birth farewell and return to the country God covenanted to their ancestor Abraham. In fact, Israel has not seen such an influx of new olim (immigrants) coming home since the Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and the borders

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Divided Jerusalem

Jerusalem today is an explorer’s paradise. You can watch the sun rise from the Mount of Olives before taking the pilgrims’ path down the slopes to Gethsemane, where Christian tradition says Jesus (Yeshua) prayed before His crucifixion. From there, you can slip through the Lion’s Gate to marvel at the Western Wall that has stood

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The Saudi Slap

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood on the White House lawn on September 15, 2020 with the foreign minister of Bahrain, then-President Donald Trump and the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Each leader displayed their copy of the Abraham Accords, the peace agreement normalizing ties between Israel and her two new Arab

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Israel—a News-obsessed Nation

One morning, as I walked up HaRav Kook Street in downtown Jerusalem, I paused to read a plaque on one of the buildings. I learned that this location was the site where Jerusalem’s first printing press, owned by the Salomon family, had operated from 1939–1992. I’m not sure why it piqued my interest, but I

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Iran’s Tightening Noose

In April, the Hebrew daily Makor Rishon ran a chilling op-ed entitled ‘“Death to Israel’: The Iranian Plan to Attack Israel.” The piece was penned by Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a well-respected Arab scholar with 25 years of service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) military intelligence under his belt. According to Kedar,

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Robbie’s Sweet and Seder-y Exodus Cake

On the night of Passover, families and friends will sit down to a table groaning with tasty treats for the seder (Passover ritual meal). Each of these dishes will have one thing in common. Regardless of whether it is sweet or savory, hot or cold, starter, main or dessert, every single dish will be free

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Happy 75th Birthday Israel!

At 16:00 on May 14, 1948—hours before sunset signaled the start of the Sabbath—David Ben-Gurion banged his gavel on the table to call the 250-strong crowd in the Tel Aviv Museum to order. “I shall now read to you the scroll of the Establishment of the State,” the architect of the modern State of Israel

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A Step in the Right Direction?

The State of Israel has endured one of the longest periods of political instability in recent memory. Since the dissolution of the government in December 2018 until the end of 2022, the nation has seen four rounds of indecisive snap elections, one haphazard coalition government made up of incongruent political parties and finally a fifth

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