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Nir Barkat’s Icebox

{image_1}Jerusalem is not about to bow to geography or the elements. Mayor Nir Barkat contracted eight Chinese sculptors to create replicas of Jerusalem landmarks such as Jaffa Gate and the walls of the Old City. (Who needs facsimiles when the originals are literally set in stone a stone's-throw away?) The sculpture exhibit—that also boasts a Lion of Judah, and{image_2} Noah's Ark and classic Israeli children's fables among others—was all sculpted in ice.

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A Lonely Solider Finds a Home

{image_1}What's the first thing a young American who decides to leave everything to join the Israel Defense Forces [IDF] do? He posts about it on Facebook. Sergeant Daniel Schachter, a soldier in the Paratrooper 101st battalion, found a family to adopt him through Facebook.

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Israel Offers Humanitarian Aid to Syrians

{image_1}With humanitarian concerns making headlines in Syria as the Bashar al-Assad regime continued its brutal crackdown on his opposition, needy Syrians received an offer of aid from a unique source: Israel. The two states have been in a state of war for decades, but the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) contacted the International Committee of the Red Cross about sending aid to Syria nonetheless.

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Live Hatikva Goes to Africa

{image_1}The LiveHatikva initiative celebrated its fifth anniversary this year and was hosted by South Africa. LiveHatikva unites Jewish people around the world on Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day, this year on April 26) through the singing of Israel’s national anthem, Hatikva (“The Hope”). Established in 2008 on Israel's 60th Independence Day, thousands of Jewish communities participated across the globe, breaking the Guinness world record for the number of people singing a national anthem simultaneously.

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Iran Is Operating in Gaza

{image_1}“Understand, the dominant factor that motivates these events [rocket attacks] in Gaza is not the Palestinian issue. The dominant factor that motivates these events in Gaza is Iran.

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The Desert Will Blossom

{image_1}“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom…” (Isaiah 35:1, NIV)

After seeing photos of the lush, green Galilee, an astonished friend once told me that she thought Israel was all desert. Well, Israel is not exactly all desert, but desert does make up almost 60% of the nation’s land mass. I expect she envisioned camel caravans making their way across endless dunes of sand, but, in fact, the desert of Israel is comprised primarily of rocky outcrops and mountains, deep craters, and dry riverbeds.

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The Biblical Feasts

{image_1}The Bible talks about a number of special holidays called ”feasts.” Today, these biblical feasts continue to be celebrated in Israel and around the world by Jewish people and an increasing number of Christians as well. Christians often refer to them as “Jewish” feasts, but what does the Bible say? “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: “The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts”’” (Lev. 23:1–2).

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All Quiet on the Hizbullah Front

{image_1}Turmoil in the Middle East has captured the attention of the entire world over the past year as nation after nation has experienced uprisings among its citizens. Called the “Arab Spring,” some thought these events might lead to a democratic Middle East with a more positive disposition toward the West. Unfortunately, that was not to be. Although much of this unrest may have begun with a sincere desire for positive change, the nations responded in very different ways. From programs that provided people with generous financial benefits to military action, each nation has struggled to find stability. And radical Islamists were on hand to take advantage of every opportunity.

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Creating Pure Water without Chlorine

{image_1}”Clean” isn't always as clean as you think. While the chemicals in cleaning solutions and water purification systems do away with germs, they dirty the environment and aren't healthy for humans. An Israeli company is offering an alternative: an ozone-based cleaning system to purify tap water. The system, says Ittai Weissberg, CEO of Greeneng Solutions, is better at getting rid of germs and is a lot safer than chlorine- and ammonia-based cleaning solutions. And it does the job cheaply.

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Introducing the Invisible Keyboard

{image_1}It's always easy to see who chose typing class at high school when watching grownups in the boardroom. Those who didn't learn how to type properly stumble over laptop keyboards with two fingers or thumbs. Today's smart phones have made most of us just as awkward. Our fingers feel like big fat sausages as we aim for the tiny letters. Could there be another way?

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Rescue Me…Israel Style

{image_1}If you've got a heavy load to haul, carrying it in a backpack will be easier than lugging it by hand—whether it's camping gear or an injured person. And that's the simple reason why Jerusalem-based Agilite has gotten thousands of inquiries about its recently introduced IPC (Injured Personnel Carrier). The patent-pending, trademarked IPC weighs in at three-quarters of a pound, yet it can bear 5,000 pounds [2,268 kilograms] and enables a rescuer to carry someone on his or her back. The unit's 12.5-foot [3.8 meter] length folds down to just 10 inches [25.4 centimeters].

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Rain, Floods, and Snow…in Israel!

{image_1}What a refreshing assignment to be able to write about water in Israel instead of drought! We’ve been waiting seven years for this! Last year about this time, I wrote an article entitled “Israel’s Water Crisis,” featuring pictures of forest fires, over-ripe rotten fruit, languishing cows, and a depleted Sea of Galilee. This year, however, the skis opened up and God poured out an abundance!

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