Eighteen young people, representing six different nations, sat gathered beneath the same dark sky which served as a canopy thousands of years ago, a witness to the wanderings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was under this sky that Moses sent the spies to the hill country. Now, under this dark sky, with trillions of stars shining above, a delegation from the nations sits in the glow of a fire, hands raised in prayer and worship. These sojourners have spent the past months together. They have lived together; they have served together; they have grown together. And tonight they sit as a monument in the desert, a testimony to God’s mighty plan to connect Christian millennials to His Land and His people, Israel.
One year ago, a small group of Bridges for Peace leaders and volunteers sat together and began to imagine. What would it be like to bring ten young people from around the world to Israel for an entire year? Imagine them filling our staffing needs with a fresh vigor. How could they impact this city by making Jerusalem their home and her streets their playground? Imagine them being empowered with truth concerning Israel and the Jewish people. What would the impact be if they would extend their hands in compassion to the people of Israel? Imagine them coming together to grow in community and in their relationship with God.
Today these dreams have become reality as we are now well into the inaugural year of the Zealous Israel Project. The Project team members have spent time walking in the footsteps of Yeshua and many of the patriarchs. They have served Israel and the Jewish people through the many projects and departments of Bridges for Peace. They have deepened in their walk with God and in their understanding of His Word. And this is only the beginning!
If you or a young person you know is looking to grow in their relationship with God while serving in a foreign country for an entire year, the Zealous Israel Project is the perfect opportunity. Be a part of what God is doing in Israel and in this generation. Our next project begins July 31, 2016.
“We’re going deep, and going strong. It’s crazy, and amazing. Fun. Difficult. Exciting. Exhilarating. Beautiful. Different. Challenging. Relational. Transparent. Real. Unbelievable. And Righteous, in every sense of the word. It’s completely worth every second, every penny and every effort because I’ll be leaving here a far better man, and far more dependent on God than I’ve ever been.”—Lukas Wallace, USA
“It is the experience of a lifetime. You are able to live in the Holy Land for a whole year! All the while reading Scripture where it took place, walking where Jesus walked, experiencing the beautifully diverse land and culture. God will reveal Himself to you in new ways, teaching you to reflect and seek His truth. You will live in community with people from all over the world and become connected to other cultures. It is an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God and others.”—Emmanuella Dennis, Canada
“God has been developing me in many ways. I have grown immensely by developing relationships with other believers. I have learned to trust and rely on Him more than ever before. Day to day, He’s teaching me that He is by my side always, He is my Shield.”—Daria Luckett, USA
“When I first got to Israel, I was fascinated and quickly drawn to all the uniqueness of everyday life. On top of that I felt the spiritual intensity of living in Jerusalem and my initial thoughts quickly went from fascinated to almost like a fear. ‘Am I gonna be able to make it?’ But God has used a series of events to remind me that I would not be able to make it on my own; that every single day I have to be totally dependent on Him.” —-Michio Nagata, Japan
“The Zealous Israel Project might be the best way to spend a year ever! You get to serve, travel and experience how to live in another culture that you might not have experienced before. You also experience what God is doing in and around the world. It’s amazing to see! Everywhere you look prophecy is being fulfilled. You just have to open your eyes!”—Robert Croatto, Canada
“I know that no matter where in the world we came from or what our different backgrounds are, God has called each of us to Israel for this exact time. This calling is what I believe gave us a sense of unity from the very beginning. I believe that every individual within the Zealous team has something of great value to offer each other and the nation of Israel. “—April Patane, Australia
“Living in Israel causes the Bible to come alive. You think of the Word of God in a totally different way when you are living among His people in His country. No matter if you are 18 or 30 you will grow and mature and become stronger than ever before in your faith. The Zealous Israel Project doesn’t just let you serve the country of Israel but also explore and learn about it. The first day I walked in the door of the apartment I knew I had four new sisters. This program lets you build a family here, people you can lean on at all times.”—Jacqueline Gaby, Canada
For more information on The Zealous Israel Project click here.
Source: By Rebecca Verbeten, Zealous8:2 Coordinator
Photo Credit: M.Gonzalez, M.Nagata/bridgesforpeace.com
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