by: Lois Tverberg & Bruce Okkema
During the six months without rain, dew (tal) is critical to vegetation in that Land. Were it not for the dew in summer, most plant life would die. In fact, dew and rain are equally important to the crops. If there is no rain in the winter season, the grass and early crops do not grow; and if there is no dew in summer, the later crops dry up and fruit does not mature. If there are too many summer nights without dew, it constitutes a drought.
Interestingly, in the mountains of Israel on many nights, dew is extremely abundant. As moist air from the Mediterranean Sea blows inland during the early summer, the dews are so heavy that the plants and trees are literally soaked with water at night. In Judges 6:38, it says that Gideon wrung a bowl full of water out of a fleece that he had put out overnight. Even in areas where rain never falls, the dew is often sufficient to maintain enough plant growth that sheep can graze. The water that condenses on stones runs off to sustain small clumps of surrounding grass.
To the ancient people who were so dependent on their crops, dew was almost like manna––a nightly gift from God that showed His constant care. In the Sinai desert, the manna came along with the dew, supplying the Israelites’ substance that way too (Exodus 16:3; Numbers 11:9). In Hosea, God declares, “I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for My anger has turned away from them. I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily” (14:4–5, NIV).
Next time when you see the dew, remind yourself of God’s daily provision of just enough living water to let sufficient grass grow to feed you for tomorrow. And next time it rains, remind yourself that our crops are just as dependent on rain as are those in Israel, but we take the rain for granted because of its abundance. God’s faithfulness sustains us, whether we complain about rainy days, or thank Him as we ought.
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Source: This article is reprinted from Listening to the Language of the Bible: Hearing It Through Jesus’ Ears by Lois Tverberg & Bruce Okkema, © 2004, with specific permission of use granted to Bridges for Peace by the En-Gedi Resource Center.
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