by: Rebecca J. Brimmer, Bridges for Peace
I have known and worked with Josh Reinstein since 2003. I, along with a few other Christian leaders, sat with Knesset (Parliament) Member Yuri Shtern and Reinstein, strategizing how to make better connections between the Knesset and Christian leaders around the world. In 2004, the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus was born. Over the past 16 years, we have seen amazing changes in the face of Christian–Jewish relations. The work of the Caucus and its sister organization, the Israel Allies Foundation, both headed by Reinstein, have changed the face of diplomacy for Israel. Faith-based diplomacy was born as Christian political and spiritual leaders join with Jewish leaders to forge a better future for Israel and the world.
I was privileged to receive a manuscript to review, and I immediately sat down to read it. I found it riveting. I encourage every Christian who cares about Israel to read a copy. If you aren’t from the United States, don’t think this book isn’t for you. If you are from the United States and aren’t sure about President Donald Trump, don’t think this book isn’t for you. Regardless of where you live or what your political affiliation, every Bible-believing Christian needs to read about and understand the importance of Israel to God, what the Bible has to say about Israel, the historical realities that influenced the present, the forces aligned against the people who love the God of Israel (both Jewish and Christian) and how our efforts can make a difference.
The Amazon write-up for the book says: “We are living in mysterious yet miraculous times. On the one hand, we have witnessed the most remarkable fulfillment of biblical prophecy: the Jewish people’s return to Israel and the prosperity and contributions of this tiny country in such a short time. On the other hand, we have seen an unexpected rise in anti-Semitism, which takes the form of anti-Zionism, and alliances between groups that are fighting against the most fundamental biblical values. The division in worldviews has become starker than ever. In this book, Josh Reinstein, who through his initiative of faith-based diplomacy is at the center of this tension, takes a unique approach to explaining what lies behind the recent wave of support for Israel and the counter force. He answers important questions to clarify what drives the political actions that we witness today and what path should be taken moving forward.”
How have Christians made a difference through faith-based diplomacy? Reinstein uses the example of President Trump. Before the 2016 election, Christians worked to influence the Republican platform to line up with biblical truth concerning Israel. They were successful. After the election, President Trump and the administration continued to be influenced by Christian leaders. This resulted in the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, with other nations subsequently following.
Why is this important? Reinstein answers: “One may wonder: Why do Bible-believing Christians care about Jerusalem? Christians believe that the Messiah will return to Jerusalem, setting the stage for a change in the world. The result is that two sides have formed. [Reinstein is not talking about political sides, but rather about a spiritual reality—those who live in union with biblical principles and those who reject the Bible and God’s plans]. On the one side there are people with Judeo–Christian values, while the other side involves people against those values who don’t want to see those prophecies fulfilled. Because Jews and Christians both see Jerusalem as crucial to the future redemption, they are working together to keep it united under Jewish control. For them, control of Jerusalem is not a political fight to possess more territory, it’s a biblical issue.”
Photo Credit: Jenna Solomon/
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