Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, defending against Hamas in Gaza, will be a short war compared with the worldwide anti-Israel propaganda war that has already begun. While all who stand with Israel see an anti-Israel bias in mainstream media, many are unaware that the frontline of this world war is social media.
Twitter is the place for breaking news and firsthand observation of Israel's enemies. Do you want to inform those in your circle of influence about the latest news and views about Israel? Twitter is the place to be. Twitter is also a venue where everyone has an opportunity to shape global opinion. And, if you choose, it is an arena in which to directly challenge and engage the vicious spirits of anti-Israel anti-Semitism.
“You can catch a glimpse of how difficult the struggle will be as you read the following quote: “We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy” (Winston Churchill, 13 May 1940).
You learn the world of Twitter by entering it. It’s easy. Just open an account at You have the option to use a pseudonym instead of your actual name. Two influential Tweeters for Israel who have chosen pseudonyms are @ElderOfZiyon and @MargieInTelAviv. Most, however, use their real name.
The first thing Twitter will prompt you to do is choose accounts to follow. If your focus is Israel, skip the step with auto-prompt suggestions. The better strategy is to follow carefully chosen newsmakers and opinion shapers, including ideological enemies of the Jewish state. Keep in mind that, just because you follow Israel’s opponents, it does not mean you endorse them. After all, it is impossible to engage an enemy unless you know what he is doing.
How do you identify key accounts to follow? The best way is to look at accounts followed by Twitter users that you trust; for example, @BridgesForPeace, @PalWatch or, if you like, my account, @BrianSchrauger.
A few of my VITs—Very Important Tweeters—include Khaled Abu Toameh, an Arab–Israeli correspondent for The Jerusalem Post. Khaled is at the top of his game as a serious correspondent, telling it like he sees it from firsthand interaction with Fatah, Hamas and Arabic media. I find he almost always Tweets breaking stories about Israel's Arab opponents long before they appear in mainstream media. His account is @KhaledAbuToameh.
Another favorite for timely, clear, security-related analysis is Daniel Nisman of the Levantine Group. Find his account @DannyNis.
If you are a watchman, it is almost an imperative to follow Israel's relentless critic, Ben White. Ben is a prolific Tweeter with an endless barrage of condemnation for the Jewish state. He is also a favorite of “Christian Palestinianists,” people who denounce Israel in the language of Western evangelicals. Ben White's articulate and vitriolic Tweets are an excellent way to learn how Israel's enemies think. Follow him @benabyad.
How do you keep up with Tweets that stream 24 hours every day? Begin by selecting the most important accounts that you follow. If you have a smartphone, be sure to choose automatic notifications when these VITs Tweet. Yes, you can engage the Twitter world on a computer, but nothing keeps you in real time like a smartphone.
Once your account is open, start Tweeting. Enjoy it! Relish the potential of this tool, this weapon, at your disposal. Embrace the challenge of composing clear thoughts in 140 characters or less. Don't worry about making mistakes or looking foolish. Everyone who Tweets, everyone, makes mistakes and looks foolish on a fairly regular basis. Perhaps the most important characteristic of those who use Twitter well is that, no matter what, they keep on Tweeting.
Twitter is as much about the art of making an argument as it is the merits of an argument. How you say a thing is almost as important as what you say. Using Twitter will quickly reveal the wisdom of an apparent contradiction in Proverbs 26:4–5. Solomon begins by telling us not to answer a fool according to his folly. But then, in the very next breath, he says, “answer a fool according to his folly.” There is nothing like Twitter to learn the truth in the tension between these divinely inspired Tweets.
In fact, Twitter is a compelling reason to reacquaint with the biblical book of Tweets, also known as Proverbs. For Christians standing with Israel as watchmen, advocates or public debaters, there is an obvious and profound need for God's wisdom.
The rising tide of anti-Israel attacks is powerful. It is powerful because it is demonic. Paul warned Timothy about this very thing when he wrote, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Tim. 4:1). Indeed. And we are in those “latter times.”
These times are not a reason to shrink back in fear or intimidation. Instead they are a call to put on God's armor and stand firm in these days of growing darkness. We are not alone. God's own Spirit is available to us. Stand firm, then, for such a time as this.
“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts” (Zech. 4:6).
Source: By Brian Schrauger, BFP News Bureau Chief
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