So Why Should You Give?
The people of Israel are tired of pain and suffering. As I write this letter, a suicide bomber has claimed the lives of three in a Tel Aviv market, wounding 35 others. Lives have been cut short, and others changed forever, as they cope with missing limbs and ongoing medical problems. Everywhere you look, sad eyes look back at you. Your donation to our Victims of War Fund will help cover expenses, or buy needed medical equipment, a basket of food to bring comfort to a mourning family, or a cheer basket full of goodies for a wounded person. But you shouldn't give a gift simply because people are hurting.
Teaching Ministry Reaches Around the World – Our pastors forums, books, seminars, CDs, videos, teaching letters, Web site, and weekly updates reach around the world, showing Christians the blessing of reading their Bible from a Hebraic perspective. Pastors by the hundreds are walking out of our forums with new understanding of God's purposes for Israel and the Church today. Your donations to our educational outreach literally change the way people think and act. But you shouldn't donate to support our teaching outreach simply because people are hungry to understand God's Word.
Why would God want anyone to support BFP? It isn't because of poverty, hunger, hopelessness, or mourning. Henry Blackaby, in his book Experiencing God, says that believers should find out what God is doing and get involved. My heart resonates with that thought. I love God and want to be actively involved in what He is doing. I want to show love to those whom He loves.
Psalm 98:3 says, “He has remembered His love and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.” God is working to bring the Jewish people home from the countries of their dispersion, to settle them in their land and to bring a spiritual reawakening, which will result in the redemption of Israel. When we see God's hand working in this way, He says the nations will see and know that He is God. “'When I have brought them back from the nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies, I will show Myself holy through them in the sight of many nations'” (Ezek. 39:27).
Your gift to BFP is a gift of love to those whom God loves. The Jewish people we assist will feel the love of God in the midst of their distress, as our Christian staff lovingly minister God's comfort and love to each one. God is working in Israel. Do you want to join His end-time plan for Israel and the Church? If so, send your gift today. Don't give because you feel sorry for them; give because God is calling all true believers to get involved with Him in His end-time plans for the redemption of the world, as all see His love and faithfulness to Israel.
“…For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings”(Rom. 15:27).
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International Executive Director (COO)
BFP Jerusalem
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