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Wires and Cables Disappear

March 31, 2008

In a brilliant twist, Powermat uses the idea of low cost “tags” to deliver electrical power, allowing you to “liberate” yourself from the outlet on the wall with a “base controller that can transmit and control electrical power in devices at close range,” says Poliakine. The base is a flat “mat,” designed for a table. It can be embedded on a table, a kitchen countertop, or even a wall, and it transmits power via a magnetic field to devices with an attached tag. Any tagged electronic device placed on or close to the mat will be able to run, without being plugged into a socket. The mat can be any size, from a letter-sized sheet of paper to the floor of an entire room. The only thing in the room that is plugged into the power is the Powermat base, with every tagged device in range drawing on the power it distributes.

You will be able to place your TV anywhere in the room without worrying about whether the cord reaches an electrical outlet. Each transmitter in the plug-and-play base system has enough power for four or five medium-sized devices, along with some smaller ones. “The base can detect which tagged devices are active and to what extent, so it can regulate itself, drawing out less power when devices within range are in sleep mode, thus saving electricity overall,” says Poliakine. For more information: [email protected]; www.powermatdigital.com; (972) 2-534-1891.

Excerpts from an article by David Shamah, www.israel21c.org

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