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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Anti-Semitism / Holocaust

French Jews Feel Unsafe amid Rising Anti-Semitism

Tuesday, 16 July 2024 | Albert Myara, leader of the South Paris Jewish community said on Monday that anti-Semitic incidents in France grew fourfold and Jews were under immediate danger in certain areas of France. Speaking to the Knesset [Parliament] Immigration Committee, Myara said the situation had been steadily worsening over the past two decades,

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To Life!

July 12, 2023

  The images grip your heart. A broken father—grief streaming in rivulets down his cheeks—rocking the lifeless body of his two-year-old daughter after the toddler and her pregnant mother were supposedly killed in an Israeli airstrike. A mother’s tears pooling on the picture of a beaming preschooler—riotous curls framing an angelic face—as she cradles the

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Coming Home, Just Like God Promised

In 2022, a record-breaking number of Jewish people made the decision to bid the country of their birth farewell and return to the country God covenanted to their ancestor Abraham. In fact, Israel has not seen such an influx of new olim (immigrants) coming home since the Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and the borders

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Divided Jerusalem

Jerusalem today is an explorer’s paradise. You can watch the sun rise from the Mount of Olives before taking the pilgrims’ path down the slopes to Gethsemane, where Christian tradition says Jesus (Yeshua) prayed before His crucifixion. From there, you can slip through the Lion’s Gate to marvel at the Western Wall that has stood

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Cloud Theft and Spying Cows

Efforts by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and other enemies of the Jewish state to delegitimize Israel in the eyes of the international community have ranged from twisting the truth and presenting misinformation to outright, absurd lies. To their own people, the PA’s anti-Israel libels know no bounds. Creative ways of blaming the Palestinian people’s problems

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Enough is Enough

The alarming global increase in anti-Semitism has Jewish leaders deeply concerned. “There’s always been threats, there’s always been anti-Semitism. But it feels like an epidemic right now,” said Beth Kean, CEO of the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles, California. “And the spread of hate and lies is just happening at a lightning speed.” Kean is

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The Choice of Peace

On September 1, 1967, the member states of the Arab League cemented a decision to retain Israel in the role of sworn enemy with the now infamous Khartoum Resolution. The resolution summarized the attitudes of Israel’s Arab neighbors in what became known as the “Three No’s:” “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no

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Likes, Hearts and Thumbs Up for the Kill

On an otherwise run-of-the-mill late winter afternoon in March, a terrorist went on a stabbing spree in the desert city of Beersheva. When Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an’s bloody work was finally halted by an armed bus driver’s bullet, he left a grisly trail of four Israelis dead and two wounded, making it Israel’s deadliest terror

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Bark or Bite

Nearly 90 years ago, a raving madman dedicated to the demise of European Jewry came to power in Germany. Adolf Hitler made no secret of his intense dislike for the Jewish people. In fact, he used nearly every platform at his disposal to broadcast his belief that the Jews were to blame for the ills

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A Light and a Blessing

Less than a month after Russian tanks rolled across the Ukrainian border to unleash the worst land battle and the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II, an Israeli delegation touched down in the war-torn country to open a 66-bed hospital staffed by more than 60 personnel. The Jewish state’s facility was the

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