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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Bible Prophecy

Iranian Doctor Makes Aliyah

Dr. Shahab Davidfor, a 32-year-old Iranian Jew, always wanted to be a doctor. After graduating from high school in Isfahan, Iran, he studied medicine and at the end of his internship he joined the Iranian army, serving for a year and a half. Iran is a very religious country and not a great lover of

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200,000 French Jews Planning Aliyah

The polling service, Étude IFOP, recently released findings of an extensive survey conducted amongst French Jews. Some 43%, the findings claim, are planning to make aliyah (immigrate) to Israel. In light of November’s massacre and ISIS’s subsequent threat, such a decision should come as no surprise. Yet according to Breaking Israel News, Étude IFOP conducted

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France’s Jews Are More Religious, Feel Less Safe

Friday, 5 February 2016 | Jews in France live in fear of Islamic terror but are not prepared to hide their faith, according to a recent comprehensive survey of France’s large Jewish community. Most French Jews define themselves as religious or traditional, according to the survey, and nearly 50 percent of young male Jews wear

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Israel, Light and Blessing to the World

In the fall of 2015, Bridges for Peace was privileged to host over 100 people for our annual solidarity mission. As we traveled the country and met with Jewish people from all walks of life, we were encouraged to see how the presence of Christians in the Land during a time of rising violence brought

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Aliyah, Ingathering of the Exiles

First youth aliyah group walking to Ein Harod (Photo: Kluger Zoltan/wikipedia.org) Packing up all the pieces of your life and moving to a new country is not easy. Yet, this is something Jewish people have been doing on a fairly regular basis since their exile from the Promised Land more than 2,000 years ago. In

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Israel—Miracle Nation

The study of biblical prophecy has been my daily bread. My father was an evangelist who specialized in the area of Israel and Bible prophecy. Every night of the week, my  sister and I were in a church somewhere hearing our father expound on world events in the light of Bible prophecy. He would often

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The Desert Will Blossom

{image_1}“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom…” (Isaiah 35:1, NIV)

After seeing photos of the lush, green Galilee, an astonished friend once told me that she thought Israel was all desert. Well, Israel is not exactly all desert, but desert does make up almost 60% of the nation’s land mass. I expect she envisioned camel caravans making their way across endless dunes of sand, but, in fact, the desert of Israel is comprised primarily of rocky outcrops and mountains, deep craters, and dry riverbeds.

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The Nations in End-time Prophecy

If you’re reading this, you are probably a person who loves Israel and has spent significant time looking at the prophecies of what God has in store for Israel and her people as we approach the end of the ages. Bridges for Peace is an amazing source of information about biblical and modern Israel, its land, its people, and its future. But this teaching letter is not about Israel. {image_2}This month, I’d like us to take a look at the biblical prophecies and current events as they relate to the other nations in the region.

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The Harvests of a Fruitful Land

{image_1}The Bible describes the land of Israel in humble terms as a land of only seven species (Deut. 8:8): two grains and five fruits. However, despite being a land that is half desert, modern Israel produces 95% of its own food needs, has become a major exporter of fresh produce (especially citrus), and is a world leader in agricultural technologies. Though Israel produces over 40 types of fruit and groves abound, especially in the North, one can’t describe what the Land looks like without mentioning its vineyards and grey-green olive groves.

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The Lost Tribes of Israel: Biblical and Historical Background

October 10, 2011

The Jewish people are unique among all the peoples of the earth. Their covenant relationship with God sets them apart, as does their adherence to the Torah (Gen.–Deut.). However, their ability to maintain their Jewish identity, the tenants of Judaism, and even unity as a people during millennia of dispersion and relentless religious persecution is unparalleled in human history.

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