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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Blessing Israel

Righteous Action Blesses the Lord

Yeshua (Jesus) frequently stressed the importance of righteous action. When He talked about the judgment of the nations, He didn’t say that they would be judged by what they believed (although that is important), or what battles they fought, or if they stood for democratic principles. He said they would be judged by how they

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The Zealous Israel Project

Servanthood–based Discipleship, Where Discipleship Began Over 2,000 years ago a carpenter from Nazareth left His home and called unto Himself 12 men to walk in His footsteps, to cling to His every word. In the tradition of all Jewish disciples of that day, these men would begin to walk out the teachings of their rabbi.

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Celebrating 50 Years

Bridges CEO Rebecca Brimmer and Board Chair Jess Gibson present Magen David Adom with the keys to a new ambulance. Photo by Abigail Wood/bridgesforpeace.com This year Bridges for Peace has been celebrating 50 years since our founder, Dr. G. Douglas Young, moved to Israel and established a foundation of blessing Israel! We received our ministry

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Shifting Gears

Blaz Kure/Shutterstock.com If you have ever driven a manual transmission car you know the need to react rapidly to changing speeds by shifting up or down. In 2014 Israel has frequently had to shift quickly in response to changing reality. It has been a stressful and challenging year for Israel and worldwide Jewry. We witnessed

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Jewish People Fleeing for their Lives

The war in Ukraine is putting more and more Jewish people at risk. Over 1,200 hundred are now living like refugees in other parts of Ukraine, after fleeing from their homes. Our Project Rescue team is hard at work to assist as many as possible, while it is still possible. The Yarovey family safe in

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Jewish–Christian Relations—Vital Necessity of Our Times

{image_1}I have frequently been involved in conversations with Christians (in many countries) who are concerned about the decisions that are being made by their leaders—decisions that are often not in Israel’s best interests. I was in the United States and Canada when the P5 +1 (USA, China, Russia, United Kingdom, France plus Germany) were meeting with Iran and making decisions which could have drastic impact on the State of Israel. South African Christians are greatly concerned about the stance their government has taken toward Israel and they are not alone. Many Christians are concerned that their country will be judged by God for their actions against Israel (Joel 3). 

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Refuge in the Storm

{image_1}Le Chambon-sur-Lignon—France

Pastor André Trocmé was the spiritual leader of the Protestant congregation in the village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in southeastern France. His predecessor, Charles Guillon, had been elected mayor of the town in the early 1930s. When in June 1940 France was occupied and the Vichy regime was formed, Trocmé urged his congregants to shelter persecuted fugitives of “the people of the Bible.” In so doing, he followed in the footsteps of Guillon, who had educated the congregation in this spirit. This policy and the generosity of spirit of many congregants made Le Chambon and the surrounding villages a unique refuge in France where many Jews survived the war.

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Giving Thanks

December 3, 2012

{image_1}“Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; talk of His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the LORD!” (1 Chron. 16:8–10).

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Blessing and Honor

{image_1}Once a year, the staff of Bridges for Peace in Israel goes on retreat—all 72 of us this year! Our theme was “The Power of Blessing.” Our speaker, Rev. Robert Strand, helped the team understand the power of intentional blessing within the family, the community, and the workplace. Incredibly the power of negative words and actions are so strong that overcoming them with blessings takes much effort. In fact, our speaker said that for every curse, you must bless 47 times in order to overcome the negative consequences of the curse. When I heard that concept, I was struck again by the vital importance of the work of Bridges for Peace.

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What Is Happening in the Middle East?

I have heard this question nearly every day recently. It is the subject of countless newspaper articles, and everyone in Israel is talking about the changing face of the Middle East. I have also heard the phrase “Gog and Magog” repeatedly used in connection with the shaking Middle East. It isn’t unusual to hear Christians talking about future events and Bible prophecy, but it is much more unlikely in the Jewish world. So, I have been surprised recently to hear many Jewish people referring to the present time as times leading to Gog and Magog.

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