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Tears and the Faithfulness of God

Blessing Israel

God is Bigger

October 5, 2005

Since the day of her inception, the State of Israel has struggled to survive. The birth of Israel on May 14, 1948 was followed immediately by an all out war from five neighboring countries. War has followed war, and miraculously Israel has won every one, often against incredible odds. Israel has been referred to as a miracle nation. Certainly Bible lovers can see the miracle-working hand of God in Israel’s rebirth, the ingathering of the Jewish people, and the restoration of the Land.

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The Historical and Legal Rights of the Jews to the Land of Israel

September 20, 2005

People look for one of three ways to prove that the Jews have a claim to current Israel: The first is a biblical claim, the second is a historical claim, and the third is a legal claim.

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Called To Serve

With a smile, the waitress asked, “May I serve you?” as she handed menus to Richard Bristol and Pieter Marais, from our Food Bank. They were eating lunch at Carmei Ha’ir (Vineyards of the City), a Jerusalem restaurant near Machane Yehuda, a popular outdoor fruit and vegetable market. The food served was delicious, with meat and fish choices, and the service was prompt and courteous. Certainly, this was a restaurant to remember. But, wait, this was no ordinary restaurant! When they finished eating, no one brought a bill or asked for payment.

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The Father’s Everlasting Love

{image_1} I was repeatedly impressed recently with the depth of the Father’s love for each of His children. Dee, a volunteer at Bridges for Peace, spoke about it at staff devotions. Jeremy, a young Israeli father, stood before our Representative Training Institute and talked about God’s unconditional love for the Jewish people, equating it with his love for his young child.

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The Lord is Building Jerusalem—One Apartment at a Time!

July 5, 2005

“‘You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings’” (Isaiah 58:12b).

Broken walls, leaking roofs, dingy paint, and the built-up grime of years—after four years in Israel, nothing surprises James Loubser, manager of our Repairers of the Breach program. Over 525 homes have been repaired and renewed throughout Jerusalem and surrounding areas in the past few years. Dedicated Christian volunteers come from around the world to bless the people of Israel with the work of their hands. As they plaster and paint cracked and peeling walls, repair rusted plumbing, replace defective electrical wiring, fix broken windows or doors that won’t close, they are blessing Israel’s poor and elderly.

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Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart

{image_1} “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5–6).

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The Vine Shall Give Its Fruit

{image_1} “O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.” (Ps. 130:7).

God is moving in the earth to call His people to renewed commitment to Him. Many respected clergy members and intercessors are calling the people of God to a time of consecration and holiness. We feel the Spirit of God stirring our hearts to spend more time with Him, worship Him in holiness, and allow Him to work in our lives.

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To give or not to give ?

{image_1} Every day, I look forward to the arrival of the mail. Unfortunately, I am often disappointed because I seem to receive more fund-raising letters and junk mail than personal letters. Most of the envelopes end up in the trash can without even being opened. A few catch my interest, usually because I have a special interest in the cause, or because I personally know people in the ministry. Many ministries tell me why I ought to contribute to their work. But how can you know which ministry to give to? In this letter, I am going to tell you why you should not give!

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