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Hope in Difficult Times

Good News

Israel’s Firm Foundations

As a reader of the Dispatch from Jerusalem—and one who has taken your stand with Israel—you are well aware of the firm biblical foundation upon which we as believers stand. Not only do we stand, but we let our voices be heard as Israel’s advocates, confident of God’s plan for His ancient and regathered people.

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Heroic Combat Dogs of the IDF

Scholars may differ on when and where dogs were first domesticated, but there is no argument that, of all the animals in the world, dogs occupy a special place in our lives. They keep us company, protect us and often work alongside us, earning the title of “man’s best friend.” I find it interesting that

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In This Together

Most Israelis spend two or three years of their youth as a soldier guarding the Promised Land and its people. It is a non-negotiable, a rite of passage that falls between high school and adulthood. While many around the world would frown on such a sacrifice of time and self, history has taught the Jewish

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Jewish Ethics and Dispute

How do ethics (or morality) and dispute go together? Good question. Rising Israeli hip-hop artist Roy Kornblum seems to think they do. In a compelling video entitled “0.2%,” he captures the questions that plague many Israelis in a post-October 7 nation. Since that terrible Saturday, now referred to as Black Shabbat, Israelis have been trying

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Roaring for Israel

The eyes of the nations are increasingly focused on the most contested place on Earth: Israel. Some countries shout their hate from every public forum, while others whisper secretly, weaving anti-Semitic rhetoric into UN resolutions. It’s a bleak reality. Lies are rampant, truth is ignored and Israel remains condemned for its every move toward a

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Israel Ranked Fifth Happiest Country in the World

Thursday, 21 March 2024 | Israel is the fifth happiest place on Earth, according to the World Happiness Report 2024, released on Wednesday. The findings are powered by data from the Gallup World Poll and based on six factors: social support; income; health; freedom; generosity; and absence of corruption. Finland topped the list for the

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Unity in Time of Trouble—Israel’s Hidden Strength

  In every culture there are unique expressions, words that help paint a picture of the character of the members of that people group. For the Jewish people, “Hazak, hazak v’nithazek” is just such a phrase. Translated, these Hebrew words mean: “Be strong, be strong and may we be strengthened.” And strength has certainly been

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‘Comfort My People’

Isaiah’s famous words, “Comfort, yes, comfort My people” (40:1), resounds in my heart. So many families in Israel are in deep mourning following the massacre on October 7 when Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 people. Moreover, soldiers are continuing to fall in the ensuing war against Hamas on a nearly daily basis. The words from Isaiah

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Residents of Gaza Border Community Return Home with ‘Heavy but Beating Hearts’

Friday, 1 March 2024 | More than four months after their small community was evacuated due to Hamas’s murderous onslaught on southern Israel, residents of Shlomit returned home on Thursday, their convoy adorned with Israeli flags stretching as far as the eye could see. Four Shlomit residents fell in the battles on October 7: Bechor

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Spicy Hanukkah Beef Stew

November 9, 2023

Hanukkah (Festival of Lights) is an eight-day festival celebrating the rededication of the Second Temple following the Maccabean Revolt. It is celebrated by lighting the hanukkiah or the nine-branched menorah every night, reciting special prayers and enjoying fried food. This feast falls during the cold, dark months of winter, so what’s better than a hearty

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