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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Christian-Jewish Relations

Christians, Jews Praised God for the Miracle of Israel

The restoration of Israel to its God-given homeland has long since been regarded as nothing short of miraculous. Each year, the Jewish nation marks the day with thanksgiving and praises to God.  This year, Dr. Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of the Israeli city of Efrat, launched an initiative inviting Christians to join the people of

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Christian Zionists Support God’s Plan for the Ages

Zionism could be defined as the belief that the Jewish people have a political, historical and/or moral right to self-determination and a peaceful existence within the borders of their ancient homeland, today known as Israel. At times a social, political and nationalistic movement, it is deeply rooted in Judaism, and calls for the return of

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The Holy Spirit and Israel

As Bible believers, nothing should give us greater joy and confidence than the knowledge that the Spirit of the Living God is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives. For many Christians, that relationship begins with spiritual rebirth and empowers the believer to live a new life as a child of God. The Writings

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Christian–Jewish Relations: Creating an Atmosphere of Trust

Over the past couple of years, I have had some amazing opportunities to address interfaith meetings with large numbers of Christians and Jews in attendance. {image_2}This teaching letter comes out of those encounters. As a Christian who supports Israel and loves the Jewish people, I am often called upon to explain myself.

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A Tribute to BFP’s Founder

{image_1} In 1976, Bridges for Peace was birthed from the vision of Dr. G. Douglas Young, an extraordinary man who made such an impact on Jerusalem—after only 15 years as a resident—that he was awarded one of Israel’s highest honors in 1978 by the city’s famed mayor Teddy Kollek. Yakir Yerushalym, “Worthy of Jerusalem,” was normally given only to Jewish people over 70, but he was 68 and a gentile.

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Bible Boot Camp for Christians – in Israel

{image_1}There are quilting bees and spelling bees, but now there’s a Bible Bee—the Holy Land Bible Bee, the product of Israeli ingenuity for English-speaking Christians. The term that the contest has been given, “bee,” is quite fitting, as its origin may come from the Old English word “ben” for “prayer.” But for North Americans, it was a popular term used during colonial times, when spinning bees, corn husking bees, apple bees, and logging bees were common. They were get-togethers of the larger community for a common purpose that usually included a social event.

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Christian Stake in the Return to Zion

{image_1}Drive a stake into the dirt, and you claim some right to that real estate. Beyond a splintered spike, your stake is an “interest or share in an undertaking or enterprise” (Merriam-Webster). The Jewish people have an eternal and irrevocable stake in the land of Israel. Christians who explore their heritage discover that they too have a share in, and responsibility for, Zion. Former Israeli diplomat Michael Pragai insists, “Christians do have a stake in the Return. The restoration of the Jewish People to their homeland is part of a Christian understanding of God’s purpose in the world.” What accounts for this common interest in the Promised Land shared by Jews and Christians?

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Partakers of the Root


When God had something to communicate to His people Israel, He often went to great lengths to make sure that He was being heard and understood. From the flash of lightning and crash of thunder to the mighty roaring of the wind to the whisper of the still small voice, He used whatever was necessary to get His points across. In His Word, He uses vivid images to help us truly understand, at a practical level, the instructions and concepts He is attempting to impart.

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Change Is Coming

David Nekrutman (front left) David Nekrutman Cheryl Hauer The Center for Jewsih-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat, Gush Etzion

David Nekrutman is Executive Director of The Center for Jewish–Christian Understanding and Cooperation, established by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin to further interfaith communication. Cheryl Hauer is International Development Director of Bridges for Peace with significant experience in Jewish–Christian relations. Here they comment on the growing relationship between two unlikely groups: Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians

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Why Stand with Israel?


In my travels around the world, I have the opportunity to meet Christians from widely diverse church backgrounds. Bridges for Peace is an interdenominational organization, and so we are invited to speak in many different denominations. Fairly often, someone will come up to me and be honestly puzzled as they express the fact that they don’t understand why they should be interested in the nation and people of Israel. In this teaching letter, I want to give you a few thoughts about why all Christians should care about Israel.

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