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Current Issues

Vladimir Putin—An Enigma

At the writing of this article, war rages in Ukraine, and Europe is witnessing atrocities unlike anything we have seen since World War II. Many fear we are teetering on the brink of World War III. All eyes are fixed on Vladimir Putin, Russia’s enigmatic leader, wondering what his next move might be and praying

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A Light and a Blessing

Less than a month after Russian tanks rolled across the Ukrainian border to unleash the worst land battle and the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II, an Israeli delegation touched down in the war-torn country to open a 66-bed hospital staffed by more than 60 personnel. The Jewish state’s facility was the

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Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

Along with the rest of the world, we watched in horror as the simmering tensions in Ukraine erupted into the most brutal ground battle in Europe since World War II. We’ve agonized over the news of civilians perishing as missiles strike apartment buildings and prayed for a swift end to the violence. Here in Israel,

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Iran’s March toward the Nuke

Everything was supposed to be fine in 2015, when the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States) reached a nuclear agreement with Iran, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In exchange for sanctions relief for the financially crippled regime in Tehran, the 159-page document detailed restrictions to

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Bargaining Chips

Many a suspense-filled film features bank robbers and their failed attempts to escape with the loot before the police arrive. In desperation, the robbers take those unlucky individuals trapped in the bank as hostages. What ensues is usually a tension-filled negotiation as the criminals try to leverage the lives of their innocent captives to ensure

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Victims into Perpetrators

The dictionary defines a conspiracy theory as an attempt to explain harmful or difficult events as being the result of the actions or secret plots of a small or powerful group. These wild theories tend to increase in number during periods of widespread anxiety, uncertainty or hardship, such as wars, economic depressions or often in

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Lebanon SOS

They once called it the Switzerland of the Middle East, an island of calm, cultured prosperity in a sea of chaos and cruelty. But those days are long gone. Today, Lebanon is known for something else: a failed state in the throes of what the World Bank calls one of the worst economic collapses in

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The Quirks of Israel

From the pen of Peter Fast, national director of Canada and the future CEO of Bridges for Peace International, comes an exciting new series of articles entitled the Quirks of Israel. Join Peter on a journey through the wonderfully peculiar culture, traditions, heritage and daily life of this singular nation as he unpacks, introduces and

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Gardens of Jerusalem

Jerusalem is Israel’s largest city. King David’s description thousands of year ago is still accurate today: “Jerusalem is built as a city that is compact together” (Ps. 122:3). There is a perpetual housing shortage and people continue to flood into the capital. Thankfully, the parks and gardens of Jerusalem provide room for the bulging population

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Where’s the Apartheid, Amnesty International

In February, Amnesty International, an NGO that prides itself on “campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all,” published a scathing report accusing the Jewish state of the crime of apartheid. The report, “Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: A Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity,” waxes on for 200-odd pages, filling

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