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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Current Issues

Iran’s Tightening Noose

In April, the Hebrew daily Makor Rishon ran a chilling op-ed entitled ‘“Death to Israel’: The Iranian Plan to Attack Israel.” The piece was penned by Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a well-respected Arab scholar with 25 years of service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) military intelligence under his belt. According to Kedar,

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Social-media Users Post Israeli Flags for ‘Dees Day’

Thursday, 13 April 2023 | They started popping up on social media one after another on Monday afternoon. Israeli flags blowing in the wind. Israeli flags with pictures of families hugging each other. Israeli flags with the image of a mother and her two daughters smiling, with the words “Am Yisrael chai”—Hebrew for “The nation

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Young Iranians Increasingly Emboldened to Talk with Israelis on Social Media

Thursday, 13 April 2023 | Some 30 years ago, Homayoun and his classmates at his Tehran school stood daily before class and, following directions from teachers, chanted loudly, “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” At the time, Homayoun—an alias to protect his identity—couldn’t locate either county on a map, and he didn’t understand why

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Hezbollah Chief Meets with Hamas Leaders amid Uptick in Violence

Thursday, 13 April 2023 | Lebanese media reported that the leader of the Iran-backed Hezbollah group, Hassan Nasrallah, met in Beirut with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and his deputy, Saleh al-Arouri, to discuss recent events in “occupied Palestine.” The meeting took place at the same time that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, Quds Force chief Esmail

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Happy 75th Birthday Israel!

At 16:00 on May 14, 1948—hours before sunset signaled the start of the Sabbath—David Ben-Gurion banged his gavel on the table to call the 250-strong crowd in the Tel Aviv Museum to order. “I shall now read to you the scroll of the Establishment of the State,” the architect of the modern State of Israel

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A Step in the Right Direction?

The State of Israel has endured one of the longest periods of political instability in recent memory. Since the dissolution of the government in December 2018 until the end of 2022, the nation has seen four rounds of indecisive snap elections, one haphazard coalition government made up of incongruent political parties and finally a fifth

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Israel’s Judicial Reforms: Unpacking the Controversy

The global media has its eagle eye continually focused on the Jewish state. Its Knesset (Parliament) and the legislative branch of the government, the prime minister and the executive branch, the Israel Defense Forces and Israel’s security forces—to name a few—all take their turns under the microscope. And the international community is never short on

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He Has Brought Israel to This Time

The words of the well-known Jewish blessing, the Shehecheyanu, are so very apt as we consider Israel’s Diamond Anniversary. “Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life, and sustained us, and brought us to this time.” The Return “The first miracle is the idea of a people who

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“With All My Heart and Soul”

Celebrating 100,000 Homecomings Scripture is full of God’s promises to return the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to their ancient homeland. Jeremiah 32:37–44 is a beautiful description of His heart and plans. In verse 41, the Lord promises, “Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them

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‘We’re Preparing IAF Pilots for Difficult Wartime Scenarios’

Thursday, 26 January 2023 | The Israel Air Force [IAF] is training its helicopter pilots to deal with extreme scenarios not only at the operational level but also at the cognitive level, according to IAF Maj. L. On January 22, the IAF launched its “Staging Threat” exercise for helicopter squadrons. The exercise, which will run

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