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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Herod Exhibition Extended

{image_1}Due to the unprecedented public interest, the exhibition of “Herod the Great: The King's Final Journey” will remain open until 4th January 2014, a three month extension of the original schedule.

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Shedding Light on an Ancient Winepress

May 28, 2013

{image_1}Remains of a Byzantine settlement with an impressive winepress were recently excavated on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority [IAA] near Hamei Yo’av. According to Dr. Rina Avner, the excavation director, “The winepress exceeded 100 sq m [1076 sq ft] in area. It consists of a large treading floor, surrounded by six compartments on the north and east. These compartments were used for fermenting grapes upon their arrival from the vineyards to produce high-quality wine. The treading floor slopes to the west, where a settling vat and two collecting pits are situated in a row. A lead pipe connects the treading floor to the settling vat, which in turn is connected by two lead pipes to the two collecting pits.

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IDF: 26 Attempted Abductions Foiled

{image_1}According to a report by the Israel Defense Forces’ [IDF's] magazine Bamahane (“on base”), 26 attempts to kidnap soldiers were made in 2012—more than double the number recorded in 2011, which totaled 11. All 26 attempts—which took place in Israel and the West Bank [Judea and Samaria]—were thwarted. 

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Egypt Seizes Iranian Weapons Ship

{image_1}Arab news outlets reported that the Egyptian navy seized a vessel carrying a large arms shipment near the Sinai Peninsula’s southern coast in the Red Sea. The Anatolia Turkish News Agency reported the ship is an Iranian fishing vessel named “Sawit 1,” adding that it was captured 12 miles [19.3 km] offshore.

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Arab League Creates Billion-Dollar Fund to Promote Jerusalem

{image_1}The Arab League, meeting in Qatar, has resolved to set up a [US] $1 billion fund to promote the Arab character of east Jerusalem. The fund, which will be managed by Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Development Bank, will “finance projects and programs that would maintain the Arab and Islamic character of the city and reinforce the steadfastness of its people.”

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Delicious Israeli Mangos

{image_1}If you are like me, the taste of a juicy, ripe mango conjures up visions of a tropical island paradise with glorious beaches and beautiful sunsets. The fruit, however, grows in a number of subtropical areas far from the sea, and Israel is actually the northernmost spot on earth to successfully cultivate it. Hebrew University has developed a variety that is not only popular with Israelis, but is a favorite in European countries as well.

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IDF Helps Save Palestinian Boy

{image_1}An Israel Defense Forces [IDF] medical team was called to assist in the case of a 13-year-old Palestinian dialysis patient whose condition had escalated to the point where his life was in danger. “We received a call around nine in the morning from the Chief Medical Officer of the Judea and Samaria Division informing us that there was a boy hospitalized in the Jenin hospital in need of further intensive care,” said Lt. Abed Rabah, Medical Officer of the Menashe Regional Brigade in the Judea and Samaria Division.

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Advanced Missile Detection System Coming

{image_1}The Air Defense Formation continues to advance its capabilities in defending Israel against missile threats. In one such development, the existing missile detection systems will soon be replaced with a newer version incorporating innovative changes. The new system will allow a detection of 99% of the rockets and missiles launched towards Israel and will scan the attacked area in detail, resulting in fewer false alarms interrupting citizens' daily lives.

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Israel’s Water Crisis Is Over

{image_1}After seven dry years that sent Israel into somewhat of a water austerity regimen, the Water Authority announced at the beginning of February that it was lifting the “severe drought” advisory issued for the water market several years ago. “The water crisis is over,” said Water Authority Head Alexander Kushner, adding that while the water market is stable, Israelis should not become complacent.

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Peace—More Questions than Answers


Palestinians—Reasonable Peace Partners?

From Their Official Charters:

“…establishment of the State of Israel is entirely illegal…” (Article 19)

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