{image_1}Umar Mulinde, a 38-year-old evangelical pastor from Uganda who began preaching support for Israel, arrived in Israel on January 5th for emergency medical treatment following an acid attack that severely burned his face, torso, and damaged his right eye. Pastor Mulinde, [who] converted to Christianity after spending much of his life as a Muslim, was attacked with acid on Christmas Eve in Kampala. The assailants shouted “Allah Akhbar” (God is great) immediately following the attack.
Continue Reading »{image_1}Can a person be both Arab and Zionist? Ask Shirin Shlian, a 20-year-old IDF [Israel Defense Forces] soldier from one of the Galilee's Arab villages, whose job in the Israeli army is to encourage high school students to enlist and join combat units. Her brother is [also] a major in a combat unit and another brother served in the Border Guard.
Continue Reading »{image_1}Israeli doctors have recently restored the eyesight of more than 2,000 people in seven countries: Nepal, Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Cambodia, the Maldives, and Ethiopia. The surgical operations were performed in special camps set up by MASHAV (Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, under the Foreign Ministry). All surgeons were Israeli ophthalmologists.
Continue Reading »{image_1}“We are living right now during dramatic changes that create a lot of new challenges and a lot of unknowns.” —IDF Maj.-Gen. Amir Eshel
Continue Reading »{image_1}At the outset of 2012, irrespective of the Arab–Israeli conflict and the Palestinian issue, the defining geopolitical and religious schism in the Middle East is boiling, exacerbating violent intra-Muslim fragmentation—religious, tribal, ideological, and geographical.
Continue Reading »{image_1}Standing upon the Naphtali Ridge in Israel and gazing into the Hula Valley, dozens of young adults find themselves catching their breath with smiles upon their faces. Their thoughts recall the roaring of quad bikes tearing down windy trails of mud and passing olive groves. Finally, ascending the steep cliff to the loud acceleration of engines brings the convoy of bikes to a spectacular view. However, what inspired them to come to Israel in the first place is another thing, which is the desire to discover the heart of God and His zeal for Zion.
Continue Reading »{image_1}Every ancient stone and meter of soil in Jerusalem is bathed in history. Over the years, the land of Israel has been revealing its extraordinary treasures, confirming the integrity of the biblical text.
Continue Reading »{image_1}After visiting Israel or becoming interested in the Hebraic roots of their faith, many Christians are drawn to symbolic objects used in Judaism. Studying about them can bring rich understanding of God and His ways. Since most Christians are not familiar with them, we are going to identify and define a few. They are all biblically based.
Continue Reading »{image_1}Small huts and houses on windswept hilltops. Men wearing kippas [Jewish head covering] and sporting beards. Women with their heads covered surrounded by children. These are what we found in the Itamar, an Israeli community in the heartland of the disputed West Bank [Judea and Samaria]
Continue Reading »{image_1}The second section of the book of Isaiah, sometimes called “The Book of the Consolation of Israel,” begins, “‘Comfort, yes, comfort My people!’ says your God” (Isa. 40:1). But, how does one comfort God’s people? A study of the word “comfort” will instruct us. The root form of the Hebrew word is nacham, meaning to be sorry or to be moved to compassion or pity but can also be translated as “repent or regret.” How can it be translated with words that seem so far apart in meaning to us? How can comfort be related to repentance?
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