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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Some 70,000 Jewish People from 95 Countries Immigrated to Israel in 2022

Friday, 23 December 2022 | Some 70,000 people from 95 different countries immigrated to Israel in 2022 with the assistance of the Jewish Agency for Israel, in cooperation with the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration. It was the most olim [immigrants to Israel] in 23 years and a dramatic increase from 2021, when about 28,600

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One of the Most Impressive Ancient Burial Caves Found in Israel

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 | A 2000-year-old family tomb—one of the most elaborate in Israel—was uncovered in an archaeological excavation in the Salome Cave, in the Lachish Forest in the Judean Shefelah lowlands. The cave forecourt was excavated as part of the Judean Kings’ Trail Project, led by the Israel Antiquities Authority [IAA], the Ministry

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Israeli Flag in Space as NASA Shoots for the Moon

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 | The deep-space flight via Orion spacecraft in the mission called Artemis I, which was launched just less than two weeks ago from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, is currently orbiting the moon with two mannequins aboard—both sporting an Israeli flag. If successful, the experiment may lay the foundation for

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Israeli Doctors Help African Children Smile

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 | Two Israeli doctors are making a difference for children in Equatorial Guinea by performing complex surgeries and providing local doctors with support and technology to perform the operations by themselves. Drs. Oded Nahlieli and Michael Abba recently returned from another trip to the central African nation, where they performed dozens

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‘Naval Iron Dome’ Successfully Passes Final Test

November 18, 2022

Friday, 18 November 2022 | Israel’s Navy and Defense Ministry as well as Rafael Advanced Defense Systems completed a C-Dome system advanced interception test, the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] announced on Thursday, marking a significant step toward introducing the naval version of the Iron Dome aerial defense system. The C-Dome is a more advanced version

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Solar Energy for Desalinated Water: Israel, Jordan, UAE Ink New Agreement

Thursday, 10 November 2022 | Israel signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) yesterday with Jordan and the United Arab Emirates [UAE] to progress a year-old agreement to provide Israel with clean energy and Jordan with water. The three nations signed the agreement yesterday at the COP27 climate conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. A previous MOU

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First Sentence Ever Written in Canaanite Language Discovered at Tel Lachish

Wednesday, 9 November 2022 | The alphabet was invented around 1800 BC and was used by the Canaanites and later by most other languages in the world. Until recently, no meaningful Canaanite inscriptions had been discovered in the Land of Israel, save only two or three words here and there. Now an amazing discovery presents

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The Battle for the Heartland

“Judea and Samaria—the name Judea says it all—is territory that historically had an important Jewish presence,” former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said in 2020. “As they say, it is the biblical heartland of Israel. It includes Hebron, where Abraham purchased a burial cave for his wife Sarah; Shiloh, where the Tabernacle rested for

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Rules of Engagement

In the past months, the State of Israel has come under fire regarding the Israel Defense Force’s (IDF’s) Rules of Engagement (ROE). ROE are simply the internal rules or directives afforded military forces that define the circumstances, conditions, degree and manner in which the use of force may be applied. Open-fire policies determine those instances

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Meet My Israelis

“What are the Israelis like?” It’s a question I get asked often. Friends and family who have never visited Israel are naturally a bit curious about the people who call the Promised Land home. It’s a difficult question to answer though. How do you summarize an infinitely diverse melting pot of a nation with some

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