By Ronen Bergman, Ynetnews
{image_1}Medication that can protect humans against nuclear radiation has been developed by Jewish–American scientists in cooperation with a researcher and investors from Israel. The ground-breaking medication, developed by Professor Andrei Gudkov, chief scientific officer at Cleveland BioLabs, may have far-reaching implications on the balance of power in the world, as states capable of providing their citizens with protection against radiation will enjoy a significant strategic advantage vis-a-vis their rivals.
Continue Reading »{image_1}A natural gas discovery off the coast of Haifa in northern Israel worth tens of billions of dollars is even better than expected, according to The Jerusalem Post. The site, known as Tamar, could hold as much as 180 billion cubic meters of natural gas, roughly 25 to 30% more than was originally believed. Drilling on the site for size-determination purposes was done at the end of April, followed by electronic testing in July. According to Ha’aretz, the find could lead to gas independence for Israel. Ha’aretz reported that from 2014–2018, Israel’s natural gas needs will be 9 to 10 billion cubic meters a year. The Tamar site is expected to be operational in 2012.
Continue Reading »{image_1}“The Jewish State, or People, or Land is a synonym of the black nightmare of Racism. It is a war waged on us; a new war aimed at eradicating Palestinians…Are we now witnessing our complete, final expulsion? Protest alone will not change or influence things…We are still under occupation; we are still ruled, in every aspect of life: livelihoods, sovereignty, and decision…If we do not wake up, perhaps we will be outside of our homeland and without residence.
Continue Reading »{image_1}One of the many things that religious Jews and Bible-believing Christians have held in common throughout their shared history is the fact that they are each what might be called a “waiting people.” And even the least religious among Jews and Gentiles alike have been aware of just what it is both communities are waiting for—the Messiah. Arguments have abounded between them as to when He will come, how He will be recognized when He gets here, and perhaps most importantly, whether or not He has been here before. But all arguments aside, the bottom line is not up for debate in either community—He is coming.
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An ancient quarry, c. 1 dunam [0.25 acre] in area and dating to the end of the Second Temple period (c. 2,030 years old), was uncovered in excavations in Jerusalem, under the direction of Dr. Ofer Sion and Yehuda Rapuano of the Israel Antiquities Authority, prior to the construction of residential buildings.
{image_1}About two-thirds of the Israeli public want the Temple rebuilt, including about half of secular Israelis, a new survey conducted for Ynetnews and the Gesher organization revealed. Initially, the respondents were asked what happened on Tisha B’Av [Ninth of Av, day of mourning over the destruction of the Temples, this year on July 30], and showed impressive knowledge. Only 2% said they did not know.
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US Watchdog Human Rights (HRW) accused Hamas of war crimes. Their 31-page report describes Hamas rocket attacks against Israel as war crimes, calling them “unlawful and unjustifiable.” The homemade Kassam and Soviet-designed Grad rockets that have been launched into Israel are considered by HRW to be inherently indiscriminate weapons unable to be aimed with any reliability. “Hamas forces violated the laws of war, both by firing rockets deliberately and indiscriminately at Israeli cities, and by launching them from populated areas and endangering Gazan civilians,” said HRW program director Lain Levine. While the group has also reported on what it considers war crimes by Israel during the 23-day Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, the organization made it clear that “violations by one party to a conflict never justify violations by the other.”
Continue Reading »{image_1}The Israeli job market’s slump has hit a new low, an Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry analysis revealed. The second quarter [Q2] of 2009 had the market offer just 15,600 positions to job seekers—a 25% drop compared to the previous quarter, and a 70% drop compared to Q2 of 2008. The number also represents a 12-year low in job vacancies.
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The sight of a man and his dog sleeping outside a fashion shop on Ben Yehuda Street is one more manifestation of the fact that in Jerusalem the economic situation is about twice as bad as in the rest of the country. The few coins by his right hand tell little about this man as an individual. Begging in Jerusalem has always been part of the city’s life, but it does not tell the entire story. There are fewer jobs in Jerusalem than in the rest of the country. Poverty in Israel’s largest city has increased very dramatically in the past eight years. Although there are many different criteria for measuring poverty, there has been about a 40% increase in the numbers of Jerusalemites who are regarded as being below the official poverty threshold. In 2006, the average monthly income for a worker in Jerusalem was half as much as a similar worker in Tel Aviv.
{image_1}You may have seen them in the grocery store produce section: a fat, oblong fruit with a tough green skin. Maybe the tufts of fine prickly thorns (glochids) have already been removed. Like me, you may have wondered how on earth you would use them. They are the fruit of a paddle cactus that has flat, green pad-like leaves and long thorns, which, in Israel, are called sabra cactus. In other parts of the world, the fruit is referred to as prickly pears, cactus figs, or “tuna.” They can be green, yellow-orange, or red-purple, and there are many ways to serve them.
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