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Hope in Difficult Times

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Meeting God in Shiloh

{image_1}“Now the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of meeting there. And the land was subdued before them.” Joshua 18:1

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New Finds at Ramat Rachel

{image_1}The third season of renewed excavations at Ramat Rachel––a kibbutz (communal settlement) and popular conference center southeast of Jerusalem’s city center––has come to a close with several exceptional finds, including a piece of a proto-Ionic (or proto-Aeolic) capital from the Iron Age (seventh to sixth centuries BC). To date, only 12 such capitals have been found in Judea, with one from the City of David in Jerusalem and now 11 from Ramat Rachel. The proto-Ionic capital was also used on seals in the Early Iron Age before writing in the Israelite kingdom and can be seen today on the back of the five-shekel coin.

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Bombs in Strange Places

{image_1}In August, Israeli army units operating in the village of Salim, near the West Bank Palestinian city of Nablus (Shechem, Samaria), discovered a 22-lb (10-kg) bomb hidden inside the carcass of a lamb. Similar bombs were also found packed inside an old car battery and a gas cylinder. All these terrorist devices were safely diffused by sappers.

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Unsupervised Digging on the Temple Mount

{image_1}During the summer, Arab workers began extensive work on the Temple Mount itself, with hardly a mention hitting the press. Workers dug a two-foot deep trench running the length from the northern part of the platform, where the golden Dome of the Rock Mosque is located, to the southern end of the Temple Mount complex. The work was to lay new telephone and cable lines. While the police sanctioned the work, there was no archaeological supervision, meaning that the extent of the damage done to any antiquities is unknown.

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Producing Electricity with…Balloons?

{image_1}Joseph Cory, an Israeli scientist at Haifa’s Technion Israel Institute of Technology, has developed a new way to produce electricity using helium balloons made from fabric coated with photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. These balloons are much cheaper to build and install than existing solar panels and also take up far less room, a significant factor in an urban environment.

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The Iron Dome

October 31, 2007

An Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system is the talk of the town in Israel. Rafael, the national authority for the development of weapons and military technology, has said that the Iron Dome can be operational in 18 months. Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak believes a future pullout from the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) depends heavily on the Iron Dome being operative. During an inspection of the project at Rafael, Barak said the system was of “national importance.”

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But preparing…

However, as Israelis evaluate and recover from one war, they must train and prepare for any future threats against the Jewish state. Syria, supported by Iran, has given several warnings to Israel that if a peace is not achieved soon, then they may have no option but to go to war in order to “liberate” the Golan Heights. The war could be fought directly by Syria, by proxy through the Hizbullah, or by a new Syrian terror group using Hizbullah-style tactics.

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Giuliani – No Palestinian State!

{image_1}Laying out his foreign policy positions, US Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani said it “is not in the interest of the United States, at a time when it is being threatened by Islamist terrorists, to assist the creation of another state that will support terrorism.”

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A Friend of Israel — Dr. David Allen Lewis

August 1, 2007

Dr. David Allen Lewis, the father of Rebecca J. Brimmer, who was affectionately known as Dr. Dave, transferred to glory on June 2, 2007, at the age of 74. He was at his home in Springfield, Missouri, with Ramona, his wife of 52 years, by his side.

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From Israel To The Nations

{image_1}Israel will donate NIS 20 million (US $5 million) to victims of genocide in Darfur, Sudan. “Israel cannot stand by while such a severe humanitarian crisis is taking place—the most severe in the world today—without trying to reach out and help,” Daniel Miron, head of the foreign ministry’s human rights division said. Israel will transfer NIS 16 million (US $4 million) to four international aid organizations and purchase US $1 million worth of medicine and water desalination equipment. The donation will put Israel on the top 10 list of donors to this region. The foreign ministry also intends to establish a camp in Kenya, where two Israeli doctors will care for hundreds of patients.

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